Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Using teaching styles to make positive contributions in physical education
The usage of appropriate instruction manners makes an of import part to kids ‘s acquisition in physical instruction. Different instruction manners affect many facets of instruction and acquisition, including the acquisition environment and the instructor ‘s ability to run into single demands. As physical instruction has a broad spectrum of aims harmonizing to Macfayden & A ; Bailey ( 2002 ) instructors should utilize a broad assortment of learning manners to guarantee that students achieve the broad assortment of techniques and accomplishments that physical instruction has to offer. This survey will see the assorted definitions associated with the subject and pay specific attending to the spectrum of learning manners proposed by Mosston & A ; Ashworth ( 1986 ) . The survey will so specifically concentrate on usage of the productive and generative manners by analyzing my ain experience against findings from literature. The model for learning manners and behaviors came from work by Mosston ( 1966 ) . The thoughts that Mosston proposed hold changed and adapted since the first publication of the model. The interaction between instructor and pupil has been developed since his initial publication ( Mosston & A ; Ashworth, 1986 ) and have provided a model where the determinations are the chief component and the relationship between the instructor and the scholar has in doing those determinations. So influential was it that the work by Nixon & A ; Locke ( 1973 ) described it as â€Å" the most important progress in the theory of physical instruction teaching method in recent history †. A instruction manner is concerned with how an activity is delivered, instead than what is delivered, ( Macfadyen & A ; Bailey, 2002 ) . Research conducted by Siendentop ( 1991 ) has besides suggested that â€Å" a instruction manner is typified by the instructional and managerial clime that exists during the lesson which can be observed in the chief that the instructor interacts with the students and in some instances if there is an interaction at all †. The Spectrum incorporates 10 landmark manners based on the grade to which the instructor or the pupil assumes duty for what happens in a lesson. This describes a continuum, where at one extreme is the direct, teacher-led attack and at the other lies a much more open-ended and student-centred manner where the instructor acts merely in a facilitator function.Generative Teaching Manners:The generative or direct bunch includes the bid, pattern, mutual, self cheque and inclusion instruction manners ( Mosston & A ; Ashworth, 2002 ) . Direct manners of learning require the scholar to reproduce known stuff or cognition by retroflexing a specific theoretical account. This frequently involves capable affair associating to concrete facts, regulations or specific skills/movements ( Rink, 2002 ) . In order for students to animate specific accomplishments Derri & A ; Pachta ( 2007 ) identified that â€Å" scholars must foremost be provided with a right proficient theoretical account to emulate, sufficient clip to pattern the theoretical account and effectual feedback related to the original theoretical account †, with the right proficient theoretical account frequently being shown by the instructor. Research conducted by Pieron ( 1998 ) supports the usage of the bid learning manner as the writer argues that copying the most efficient manner ( that of the instructors presentation ) is extremely profitable. It is seen as more profitable because it saves clip as the instructor has the overall duty for rectifying mistakes and it ensures that students receive accurate feedback. The research conducted by Salvara et Al ( 2006 ) highlighted that â€Å" the direct instruction manners specifically the bid manner has been shown to hold a positive impact on category control and motor public presentation †. Within my instruction I have found that utilizing this manner of learning to be the most effectual for category control particularly when the category has a big figure of students and when the category requires a batch of behaviour direction schemes used to command to the category. However Pellett & A ; Blakemore ( 1997 ) conducted a survey of undertaking presentation and content public presentation of four instructors who all had difference degrees of experience and found that pupils taught by an experient instructor were more effectual at executing the accomplishments when compared to being taught by a instructor of small experience. My experience whilst on instructor preparation has besides supported these findings as I was able to show the undertakings more clearly to pupils when I had more experience in that peculiar activity. I was besides able to distinguish the undertaking to a higher degree with activities that I was familiar with as I had more thoughts and experience to pull upon, whereas with activities I had small experience of I found it more ambitious to be originative and come on the students. This has resulted in me taking actions towards seeking to better capable cognition in countries of the course of study where my experience is missing or deficient. Research conducted by Griffey ( 1983 ) has found that when practising accomplishments pupils of lower ability benefited more from the bid manner of learning as they had small old experience to pull from. This is something that I have besides noticed, when learning lower ability groups it is more good to give the direction or presentation of undertaking to salvage clip and when working with higher ability students leting the more able students to show the accomplishment to increase pupil motive. These findings have non been supported by Goldberger & A ; Gerney ( 1990 ) who found that under circuit preparation conditions the lower ability students seemed to profit more from the chance to do determinations about clip spent practising at each station. However within this survey the pattern manner of instruction has besides bee n examined. Harmonizing to Byra ( 2000 ) â€Å" in the pattern manner of learning the scholars work at their ain gait and complete instructor designed undertakings in the order they choose, the category is organised around Stationss and the instructor provides single feedback to the scholars †. The most effectual type of pattern manner of learning I have used whilst on learning experience was the usage of circuit preparation as I chose the activities/skills/tasks to be practiced at each station and the students chose the strength to which they performed as each station. In a survey by Beckett ( 1991 ) on college age pupils the pattern manner has proved to be really effectual in advancing motor accomplishment alterations. From my experience of utilizing this manner I discovered that it was non peculiarly utile at advancing larning when there was limited clip or big groups as different ability students will come on at different times and take longer with certain accomplishments. However th e ages of students should be taken into consideration as my experience is from working with students aged 11-16 who because they are more susceptible to development in motor accomplishments than college aged pupils. This may explicate why Beckett did non detect any alterations in motor accomplishments as the topic in his survey may hold already to the full developed. My experience has besides been identified and supported by Goldberger & A ; Gerney ( 1986 ) & A ; Goldberger et Al ( 1982 ) . However I did happen this manner of learning utile during a wellness and fittingness unit of work where the sum of accomplishment acquisition was minimum and the chief focal point on the lesson was for students to be active utilizing circuit preparation and the acquisition was aimed at students being introduced to new cognition or deriving a farther apprehension of current cognition on different types of exercisings instead than developing accomplishments. The mutual manner has besides been examined by Goldberger & A ; Gerney ( 1986 ) & A ; Goldberger et Al ( 1982 ) . These research workers identified that in this manner the scholars work in braces to accomplish the results. The instructor ‘s ability to give effectual instruction/information is of import when utilizing this manner as when one scholar performs the other observes and gives feedback to the performing artist particular to the direction that the instructor gives at the start of the undertaking and when the performing artist completes the undertaking the scholars switch functions. From my experience the most effectual ways of giving direction are in the signifier of a presentation or a criteria sheet, I besides found that presentations are really effectual when showing accomplishments that I can demo high degrees of competency. In add-on to improved skill public presentation Goldberger ( 1992 ) besides found that â€Å" scholars in the mutual manner provided more feed back, expressed more empathy, offered more congratulations and encouragement and requested more feedback from each other when compared to a control group †. However from my experience of this manner the coupling of students is of import as if you pair students of different degrees the feedback would either be to complex or excessively simple therefore impacting the sum of acquisition and skill public presentation. Besides when working with pupils/groups where behaviour direction is an issue it is more good for the instructor to partner off the students harmonizing to ability instead than allowing students pick their spouse as this tends to take to the students picking friends and being distracted and traveling off undertaking. I have besides found that the manner in which you give the direction besides can hold an consequence on the lesson as undertaking sheets frequently do n't work with groups where behaviour direction is an issue as they do non react good to the resource a nd see it as something to mess about with instead than an educational tool. Byra & A ; Marks ( 1993 ) conducted a survey which focuses on the mutual manner and the effects that different couplings had on students battle. This survey highlighted students who were identified as friends gave more effectual and specific feedback due to their comfort degrees being higher as they were working with a friend. The writers besides found that grouping by ability had no consequence on the sum of feedback given or the comfort degree which is in understanding with my ain personal experiences. This surveies findings suggests that student working with friends is good nevertheless this survey does non take into history the behavior of the group which I have experienced can be a major lending fact when partner offing students. I have experienced when leting students to work in friendship braces can sometimes be damaging when they feel the undertaking is non honoring or good as they distract each other and sometimes do n't finish the undertaking. I have found that to partner off students with friends is good merely when you have built a resonance with the students and are cognizant of how they react working with friends. My experience of this manner is that it is besides good to utilize when measuring students supplying they are cognizant of the rating standards they can have more feedback therefore bettering public presentation when compared to other direct instruction manners. In support of this Cox ( 1986 ) found that when comparing the mutual manner against the bid and pattern manners that the sum of accomplishment motions was really similar which was surprising as the mutual manner involves a batch more feedback. It was besides found that three times the figure of feedback statements were offered to performing artists utilizing the mutual manner ensuing in higher accomplishments and cognition additions along with the development of societal relationship accomplishments. Harmonizing to Byra & A ; Jenkins ( 1998 ) within the inclusion manner of learning scholars choose the degree of trouble within a undertaking and measure their ain accomplishment public presentation. With this in head the benefits of the inclusion manner are that it provides students with the chance to prosecute in activity that is to their appropriate skill/knowledge degree potentially increasing inclusion and battle. My experience of utilizing this manner of instruction is that I have attempted to include it in all of my lessons as guaranting all students are included is indispensable to any lesson. However when leting students to decided which skill degree they work at frequently resulted in students taking a degree that is non appropriate whether that be to simple or excessively complex. This goes against the spectrum theory which suggests that â€Å" the status provided by the inclusion manner should advance success for all scholars †( Mosston & A ; Ashworth, 1994 ) . The findings of Goldberger & A ; Gerney ( 1986 ) & A ; Goldberger et Al ( 1982 ) has supported my experience and observed that the bulk of scholars made inappropriate and uneffective determinations for their accomplishment degree by taking degrees that were excessively complex for them to make success or the aims even when encouraged or prompted by the instructor. From this I have learned to put boundaries for those students that make the undertaking to hard so for illustration when throwing and catching puting a maximal or minimal distance they can throw the ball. My experience has besides taught me that this manner is most effectual when used with older students as they have a better ego construct of their ain ability and are less susceptible to peer force per unit area this was besides observed by Beckett ( 1991 ) . In survey of college aged pupils Beckett ( 1991 ) found that the inclusion manner to be every bit effectual as the pattern manner for scholar accomplishment public pre sentation when larning motor accomplishments. These happening do non back up the decisions of Goldberger & A ; Gerney ( 1986 ) & A ; Goldberger et Al ( 1982 ) and it was suggested that the difference in pupils ages as a contributing factor which supports my experience. My experience of the Inclusion manner has besides highlighted the importance of planning and appraisal for the lesson as I have already identified that students sometimes do n't do the right determinations. Therefore as a consequence of this I found it good to measure the students who set boundaries and ends that may be above or below their degree and students who do non work good together and so be after a scheme into the following lesson to guarantee that those students remain focussed and on undertaking.Productive Teaching Manners:When compared to the generative instruction manner the productive bunch of Mosston & A ; Ashworth ( 1994 ) spectrum of learning manners has small background research. The productive bunch requires the scholar to bring forth new cognition, from my experience the instructor needs a high degree of understanding and creativeness to make or plan scenarios. Harmonizing to Byra ( 2000 ) â€Å" within the productive manners of learning students should prosecute in cognitive operations like job resolution, originative thought, contriving and critical thought to detect new motions †. It is the duty of the instructor to supply clip for cognitive processing hence at that place needs to be a category clime focused on seeking and analyzing and feedback for bring forthing different solutions instead than the same generic response ( Mosston & A ; Ashworth, 2002 ) . Harmonizing to Mosston & A ; Ashworth ( 1986 ) â€Å" six instruction manners have been identified in the productive bunch they are guided find and convergent find which both require convergent thought from the scholars and divergent production, single plan scholar design, scholar initiated and self learning which require divergent thought from scholars †. The bulk of the research in this country has studied the effects of the divergent find, convergent find and guided find. In a survey by Cleland & A ; Gallahue ( 1993 ) divergent motion forms were observed to set up baseline information and to analyze the different factors that contribute to a kid ‘s production of divergent motion. The findings highlighted that scholars could modify, follow and unite cardinal motion forms to bring forth divergent motion. In a farther survey Cleland ( 1994 ) compared the divergent find manner against the bid manner and a no direction control group to analyze the scholars ability to brin g forth divergent motion. The findings of this survey were that pupils generated a greater figure of divergent motions under the divergent find status. The research worker concluded that using critical thought in the signifier of the divergent find manner positively effects scholars ability to bring forth a higher measure of divergent motion forms. My experience of utilizing this instruction manner is that the students age/maturity and experience degrees are major lending factors as scholars with low degrees of experience have limited capable cognition to pull from therefore impacting their ability to modify current skills/movement my experience has besides been supported by the findings of Cleland & A ; Gallahue ( 1993 ) . As the old research suggests a pupils ability to believe critically is of import within the productive bunch of learning manners, wish this in head Cleland & A ; Pearse ( 1995 ) conducted a survey which examined the methods that physical instruction instructors use to guarantee that students use critical thought. Critical thought has been defined by McBride ( 1992 ) as â€Å" brooding thought is used to do sensible determinations about motion undertakings or challenges †( page 115 ) . This surveies conclusion lucifer with my experience which was that this manner was most effectual when using the pattern manner of learning to give instruction/deliver the topic cognition so following guided find and convergent find to let the students to believe critically. The survey besides highlighted that â€Å" the more experient instructors were able to make a more effectual environment for the students to utilize originative thought accomplishments †McBride ( 1992 ) . From my experience I have besides been able to hold with these findings as I felt more comfy making an environment that was contributing to creative thought when learning a topic I had more experience in as I was able to give more effectual feedback. The research presented to this point has seemed to favor the usage of the productive instruction manners particularly when making cognitive acquisition nevertheless there is conflicting research presented by Salter & A ; Graham ( 1985 ) . Salter & A ; Graham ( 1985 ) examined the effects of the bid manner, guided find manner and no direction on scholars skill larning, cognitive acquisition and accomplishment efforts. The consequences showed that although their was grounds that larning occurred utilizing all three manners the students in the guided find and bid manner recorded significantly better cognitive acquisition compared to no direction. For accomplishment efforts nevertheless scholars in the no direction manner made significantly more efforts at the undertaking than scholars in the other manners. The research workers went onto recommend that a longer pattern clip than 20 proceedingss may hold resulted in the guided find holding more skill acquisition, cognitive acquisition and accomplishment efforts as this manner requires longer pattern clip for the full benefits to be witnessed. From my ain experience this is something which I have besides observed as students respond better when they have longer periods of clip to experiment different accomplishment motions. My experience has besides taught me that to increase the pattern clip requires effectual direction bringing which has besides been identified by Cleland & A ; Pearse ( 1995 ) .Decision:In decision several research inquiries have been answered about the generative manners of instruction ; what the effects of the generative manners have on acquisition, how scholars of different ability degree are influenced by different manners, what consequence couplings have on students ability to give effectual feedback, what factors influence scholars determination devising and what consequence the different manners have on scholars ability to larn new cognition. The findings from the productive manner are ; can learners employ critical thought, what is the consequence of productive manners on scholars ability to bring forth divergent motion and how can teachers advance critical thought. The sum of research that is available for the productive manners of learning in limited when compared to the comprehensiveness of research surveies on the generative instruction manners. However, a survey by Cothran et Al. ( 2000 ) has identify that instructors reported utilizing a assortment of manner in their lessons yet merely one productive manner was in the top five manners used. Although it is promoting that instructors report utilizing a assortment these consequences must be interpreted as it suggests that instructors over estimate the assortment of learning manners used therefore impacting the sum of research there is available in relation to the productive manners of learning. Research conducted by Goldberger ( 1992 ) has identified that the ground that may stay unconvinced or unsure of the manners use is because of the deficiency of collateral research on those manners. Therefore farther research is needed into the productive manners of learning to supply instructors with a cognition base on how these manners can be effectual at advancing acquisition.Recommendations:These findings have provided an initial penetration into the usage of learning manners across a theoretically linked spectrum. One noticeable exclusion was that there is struggle within the research findings and non all research workers reported the same findings which identifies that there a re a important sum of variables related to spectrum research and that the variable that is being focused on should be decently investigated by utilizing the right research method. Spectrum research needs to go on as non all findings sing premises associated to the spectrum have non been supported. However, some premises have been confirmed within this survey for illustration the mutual manner does in fact facilitate the proviso of feedback, more so than any another manner and holding scholars chose their spouses based on friendly relationships helps better societal accomplishments ( Byra & A ; Marks, 1993 ) . Other premises like, the ego cheque and inclusion manners are the most effectual at advancing cognitive development and the inclusion manner is most effectual at bettering engagement of low, medium and high ability scholars still needs to be examined. Replication surveies besides need to be conducted in different environments as the research findings and my experience would pro pose that the mutual manner is an effectual manner at advancing feedback. However, would it be as effectual at easing larning with different aged students in different schools where behavior direction has a far greater accent in lessons. After reexamining the appropriate relevant literature and reflecting on my ain personal experiences I feel that the usage of appropriate instruction manners makes an of import part to pupils ‘ larning in Physical Education and should non be left to opportunity. Physical Education can supply students with the chance to believe critically, job solve and to better ain acquisition. Students will be able to believe about what they are making and do determinations independently and cognize when to utilize rules such as stage dancing, games schemes and job resolution. If students are to entree the full National Curriculum for Physical Education ( NCPE ) ( DfEE/QCA, 1999 ) and to accomplish the results of high quality Physical Education ( QCA/DfES, 2005 ) , instructors must use a assortment of appropriate instruction manners to ease the chances that Physical Education offers. It is because of this that both generative and productive instruction manners should be used to heighten acquis ition and motive.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Parental and Child Relationships in Great Expectations Essay
Discuss Dickens’ presentation of relationships between children and their parents/parental figures in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens uses the relationships between children and their parental figures to explore the themes of belonging, as well as status and identity. Pip, the protagonist of the novel, has been identified as an orphan and never saw either of his parents. Instantly, this gives the reader an idea that Pip did not belong to a typical and perfect family and never had his actual parents look after him or contribute to his upbringing. We are told that instead, his sister brought him up ‘by hand’. This phrase has been used by Dickens repetitively in the novel in linking the two siblings together; the idea that it is emphasised may imply that Pip should in fact be grateful to his sister as she provided him with all that he needed, and that she has a certain power over him. Although they live in the same house and belong to the same family, Pip was aware that his sister was hugely superior to him and he ‘had no hope of deliverance through his (my) all powerful sister’. It is evident that although she acts as a motherly figure towards him, she possesses all the attributes of a scornful mother and does not allow Pip to forget that he owes his existence to her. It is also evident that she herself did not wish to bring him and ‘repulsed him (me) at every turn’. The description of Mrs.Joe as having a ‘hard and heavy hand’ and ‘laying it on her husband as well as upon me’, along with Pip’s description of her spreading butter on the bread in an ‘apothecary kind of way’ with aggressive verbs such as ‘slapping dexterity, sawed, and hewed’ tells the reader a great deal about her nature; in the household, she played the role of a man and an aggressive figure. The word choices also makes it clear that Pip thought of her as an almost intimidating figure in his life, despite Mrs.Joe being his sister and playing the role of his mother. Simply by the fact that he calls his own sister ‘Mrs.Joe’, it is clear that their relationship is very formal and is not built on any emotional basis. All these factors contribute to the understanding that Pip has a very disjointed family life and never belonged to an ideal household or had a much needed motherly figure as such present in his life. However, despite Pip’s relationship with his sister which was solely based on responsibility, he had a very positive relation with his brother-in-law, who consequently acted as a father to him. Dickens has uses juxtaposition of Joe to his wife to emphasise the difference in their characters and the way in which Pip views them. He describes Joe as a ‘mild, good natured, sweet-tempered, easy going, foolish dear fellow’, accentuating the good qualities Joe has and how well he thinks of him as opposed to his sister. Joe fulfils the role of a father for Pip in several ways and during the entirety of his life. In the first stages of Pip’s childhood, Joe protected him as much as he could from the wrath of his wife and tried to aid him in becoming a well mannered and respected young gentleman. Despite how Pip has treated him in his later life, Joe still remained with him and respected him as much; even after he had ‘turned to the worst point of his (my) illness, he (I) began to notice that while all its other features changed, this one consistent feature did not change’. Pip also describes Joe’s ‘tenderness’, despite his job as a blacksmith, ‘was so beautifully proportioned to his (my) needs, that he (I) was like a child in his hands’. This proves that Joe fully recognised his responsibility as a parental figure in Pip’s life and did everything he could to fulfil it, in comparison to his wife who felt that Pip was simply a burden in her life. Joe is also a character that Pip loves greatly. In chapter six, Pip says â€Å"But I loved Joe†¦ because the dear fellow let me love him†. This shows that in Pip’s early childhood, Joe is seen as an equal. This is most likely because both Joe and Pip suffer through the pain inflicted by Mrs Joe, and Joe is the only character in the book that shows love and affection for Pip. This can be observed in chapter seven, when Pip reveals â€Å"I had a new sensation of feeling conscious that I was looking up to Joe in my heart.†These quotations suggest that maybe Pip looks up to Joe and that Joe is Pip’s comrade and confidant. Pip also ‘treated him as a larger species of child, and as no more than my equal’; although this shows that they were both equal, it can be implied that Pip showed no respect for Joe in his fatherly figure. Pip had another fatherly figure in his life, through Magwitch. Upon discovering that Magwitch is his secret benefactor, Pip feels far from ecstatic. He had tried to forget the acts he committed as a young boy by aiding the convict in the marshes, and his conscience almost seems clear, before Magwitch re-enters Pip’s life. Although Pip’s becoming a gentleman may never have been possible without Magwitch’s generosity, he almost appears offended by the behaviour of his benefactor. Magwitch, on the other hand, is delighted to reveal himself to Pip, and states himself to be his ‘second father’; the way he ‘put away money, only for Pip (you) to spend’ and spent a very long time in attempting to ensure Pip’s position as a gentleman. The way Magwitch addresses Pip maked it obvious that he considers Pip to be his son, the son he never had; he has worked hard and escaped, risking his life to better that of Pip. However, Pip seems frustrated by this act Magwitch has committed. Most of his frustration seems to be because ‘it was for the convict,[†¦], that i had deserted Joe’. At this point he realises that he abandoned Joe in order to achieve his own selfish dreams of living amongst the upper classes and improving his position in society. Due to this abandonment, Magwitch begins to fill the void of a fatherly figure in Pip’s life, although he did so against Pip’s will in the beginning. It may also be implied that although Magwitch did become like a father to Pip due to being his benefactor, he did so for his own benefit and for the satisfaction of ‘owning’ someone who had achieved so much in life. There are several other children and parent relationships in the novel, but the relationships Pip has with people in his life are the most interesting in the way Dickens has presented them. It is clear that Dickens has tried to portray the themes of true belonging and love by using these relationships as they would not be what one would typically expect. Pip, who has a blood relationship with Mrs.Joe, only shares a very formal and minimal relationship with her. She does not like having the responsibility of Pip, and Pip is left to deal with her anger. Joe and Magwitch on the other hand, protect and help Pip in his life due to the love and respect they have for him, despite not being related to him directly. Joe is also the only character who stays faithful to Pip the entire time, despite not sharing a birth relationship with him. This emphasises the theme of belonging and goes to show that through these relationships, Dickens has put across the idea that relationships built on love, respect and commitment are worth more than blood relationships in general.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Paris au Pluriel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Paris au Pluriel - Essay Example In the Journey to the End of the Night, Paris has been depicted from the point of view of the marginalized, working class and slum dwellers of the early 1930’s, that is between the wars, a time when, in the language of the narrator–protagonist Ferdinand Bardamu, the world was busy with â€Å"killing or adoring, or both together. 'I hate you! I adore you!'’." The story, narrated in argotic language, almost echoed Celine’s life from1913 to 1932, with some changes needed for fictions. Cà ©line pursues Bardamu through World War I trenches in Africa, the a nightmarish work in a Ford factory in the United states, and his return to postwar Paris, starting medical practice in a Paris suburb area. Celine himself was a Doctor in pitiable Parisian districts, the misery of whose residents gave him a cynical view of humanity that he translated into his fictions - side-splitting besides being scary and ostensibly vulgar. The fictional La Garenne-Rancy where he painfully observed the appalling condition of the workers â€Å"bent over their machines,†¦ calibrating bolts and more bolts, †¦vapor that burns your throat and †¦attacks your eardrums from inside. It's not shame that makes them bow their head. You give in to noise as you give in to war. At the machines you let yourself go with three ideas that are wobbling about at th e top of your head. And that's the end." (from Journey to the End of the Night, as cited in Celine, ) With 'Journey†¦, Celine liberated the French novel from the synthetically styled prose of Gide and Proust and gave it a plain passion and gnaw it never came across after Rabelais. It is a picaresque novel with the rogue protagonist, or antihero Ferdinand like Don Quixote, fighting "against all", yet whereas Cervantes, the creator of Don Quixote, lamented for the death of courtliness, Celine talked mockingly about the death of civility. As a slum doctor in Paris, he had heard every sort of howls-- of pain, rage and misery; mixed with his own typical French humor and changed by a style of high revulsion. This 450-page account of anger, acrimony, despair, disappointment, and acquiescence depicts a Paris of conflict, spinelessness, lies, sleaze, treachery, exploitation, perversion, bullying, cheating, gluttony, illness, isolation, insanity, lust, tittle-tattle, abortion, reprisal, and murder in a narrated in a way in which rarely any cheery word could be traced. From a literary stan ce, The Journey possibly could be ranked as havinng brought a strikingly new style, a chatty language that also includes many cultured elements wielding significant influence on later-day French literature. Albert Thinaudet, renowned French essayist and a major literary critic between-the- wars said that in January 1933 Journey was still a widespead topic at dinner parties in Paris (Godard, "Notice," in Cline). Journey was an instant success making Celine as a major literary figure. An broken up, hallucinatory and dreary novel heavy in slang, it followed Ferdinand Bardamu from the trenches of the First World War, to Africa, to America, ending back in Paris, where Bardamu started medical practice. The split, self-exiled narrative portraying a disintegrated world without loveliness, decorum or possible salvation was something awful to French readers: The worst part is wondering how you'll find the strength tomorrow to go on doing what you did today and have been
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Final question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Final question - Assignment Example This has led to a situation where no one is taking care of the workers because of poor labor standards. In addition, the environment is least cared for. These can be corrected by forming powerful unions that advocate for the rights of workers. In addition, international laws on issues such as environment need to be adopted by all countries to avoid further environmental degradation. Thirdly, globalization has led to the increase in arms trade thereby increasing conflicts. To avoid this, governments need to check their military budgets and allocate more resources to other key sectors of the economy. In addition, enforcing international rules on arms trade can help prevent the excessive movement of arms. Finally, economic globalization gives rise to complex trade rules that limit trade between countries. Such complexities can be avoided if countries formulate rules that enhance equity and fairness. Although globalization promises benefits to all countries, economic inequality is however causing the opposite. Countries that are economically sound continue to exploit the poor countries, thereby creating unbalanced development. Globalization has worsened the issue of inequality in the sense that powerful countries have formulated laws that limit the ability of other countries to predicate in global economic activities. For instance, it has been argued by Jennifer Olmsted (2007) that countries such as Iraq and Palestine have been denied the right to take part in the globalization economy due to sanctions and international policies. Powerful countries continue to exploit poor nations, thereby making the rift bigger. Due to inequality, people from poor nations are engaging less in productive activities; suffer high mortality rates and the rates of illiteracy increase. This in turn shapes globalization by limiting the ability of these people to engage in globalization activities. The solution to this is
Saturday, July 27, 2019
What good life is Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
What good life is - Essay Example At some cases, the trip is such a rapid process one hardly realizes to have not gotten anywhere interesting in the end. Readers get a good time they hardly care. However, repeatedly, the poem ask s a lot from the reader and very few given for compensation. Subjects also limit pay-offs, inchoate and too minor, puzzles with gears can complicate churning and might finally reveal the clunk and clink of dullness of mind. The emotionally and spiritually flat dressed up information in technician is some type of poetry, but this is not to a large extent. Poetry with a few conviction and clear voice is more interesting, even when it is not formally accomplished. In the poem entitled â€Å"love†by Michael Dickman, he expresses how people fall in love. This is mostly in weddings and restaurants as they take wine. He analyses various environments where people often like making love and happiness as a sign of love. These occasions are naturally a symbol of good life. They make friendship with strangers as they watch movies. In this poem Dickman, explains how men fall in love with girls in restaurants. He brings out the issue of thighs, how it contributes to love. He uses an example of a boy who sold them popcorns meets a girl who was selling tickets. Dickman explains how love without care come. He compares it with how teeth are in the mouth. That he loved her the way his teeth loved the mouth. He compares his love to that of a boy he knew would attempt to have a purple dinosaur who loved him for real. He says that there is no one who can account for it. That in fact there are no people to do the accounting to balance the books love. He argues that there are even no one to measure the speed and distance between two loving hearts. As Dickman explains about happiness in love, he explains how S&M goddess love her husband. He puts clearly how the goddess brings him to a mall, leading him through the court of food by a leash. This is all because of strong feeling of love.
Long term psychosocial effects of parental divorce Essay
Long term psychosocial effects of parental divorce - Essay Example Even if they chose not to take much of the effect of their parents’ divorce, the society allows them little room to grow normally with all the taunts and criticism they have to offer. The children of divorced parents have to develop extra potential, stamina and endurance to survive in the society. Adverse effects of the parental divorce are inevitable and start to surface in the very early years of a child’s academic career, when he/she has to mention the name of guardians on the admission forms. In case the child happened to live with only one of the parents, he/she develops a grey area for the image of the second parent in his/her mind. He/she can not realize what it feels like to be the son of the missing parent and becomes even more perplexed, as his/her friends narrate their relationship with the parent, that the child lacks. This paper discusses the long term psychological impacts of the divorce on the children that they have to live with. Soon after the parents divorce, the biggest problem that the child faces is his/her ownership. In a vast majority of cases, the ownership of child is decided by the laws. The child might have to live away from the parent he/she was very close to. The child also looses his/her grandparents. Although a child may not realize such a big loss of companions and relatives, the feeling pinches the child in his subconscious and he always misses something. The feelings lives on with the child as he/she grows up. Many children suffering from similar conditions might feel they lack something, though very less of them actually realize that it is all of those relations that were abandoned soon as his/her parents parted ways with each other. The confusion causes the child to develop psychological problems. The child can not find answers to many questions rising in his/her own mind. The child has to live on with those questions for the rest of his/her life. The child tries to sort out who was
Friday, July 26, 2019
Introduction to international law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Introduction to international law - Essay Example s, military geography and intelligence and success in the various positions he held in the Chilean military, he rose up to the position of General Chief of Staff of the Army at the beginning of 1972. With rising domestic strife in Chile, Pinochet was appointed Army Commander in Chief on August 23, 1973 by President Salvador Allende just the day after the Chamber of Deputies of Chile approved the August 22, 1973 Resolution asserting that Allende was not respecting the Constitution.1 On September 11, 1973, the Armed Forces overthrew Allendes government in a coup, during which the presidential palace, La Moneda, was shelled, while Allende committed suicide. The coup put an end to the Presidential Republic of Chile which had lasted from 1924 to 1973. A military junta was established immediately following the coup, made up of General Pinochet representing the Army, Admiral Josà © Toribio Merino representing the Navy, General Gustavo Leigh representing the Air Force, and General Cà ©sar Mendoza representing the Carabineros (national police). The junta ussurped the powers of the executive and legislative branches of the government, suspended the Constitution and the Congress, imposed strict censorship and curfew, proscribed the left-wing parties and halted all political activities. This military junta governed until December 17, 1974, after which it functioned strictly as a legislative body. The junta members originally planned for the presidency to rotate among th e commanders-in-chief of the four military branches. However, Pinochet soon consolidated his control, first retaining sole chairmanship of the military junta, and then proclaiming himself "Supreme Chief of the Nation" (de facto provisional president) on June 27, 1974. He officially changed his title to â€Å"President†on December 17, 1974.2 In October 1973, at least 70 people were killed by the Caravan of Death, to which Manuel Contreras, later head of the DINA intelligence service, participated. Charles
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Somalia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Somalia - Essay Example In our present age, Somalia has always been the epitome of poverty. Pictures of toothpick-thin Somali children have flooded the magazines all over the world, with drooping eyes seemingly begging for our help. Until now, their state conditions had barely changed. Almost 15 years after Somalia fell apart in 1991 in spate of clan-based rebellions against the genocidal, 22-year dictatorship of President Mohammed Siad Barre, the fear and the loathing in this country still exists. Since 1991, there have been fourteen efforts at national reconciliation; to date, none has been successful. Various groupings of Somali factions have sought to control the national territory (or portions thereof) and have fought small wars with one another. Dahir Riyale Kahin was elected President of the self-declared "Republic of Somaliland," which is made up of the former northwest provinces of the Somali republic, in presidential elections deemed free and fair by international observers in May 2003. In 1998, t he area of Puntland in the northeast declared itself autonomous (although not independent) as the "State of Puntland" with its capital at Garowe. Puntland declared it would remain autonomous until a federated Somalia state was established (US Department of State, 2005). As we all know, the terrible famine of 1993 in the south was entirely induced by civil war. A US- and UN-led humanitarian intervention failed to understand Somali complexities, was humiliated, and when it left in 1995 had only instigated more conflicts to arise.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Factors affecting learners behaviour in Gauteng Special schools Essay
Factors affecting learners behaviour in Gauteng Special schools - Essay Example The challenges of intellectual disabilities, especially in their early stages, have become a priority because of the initial intangibility of the problems. Indeed, the multifaceted and multilateral aspects of intellectual disabilities are not only complex by nature, but they also need socio-psychological interventions to understand and interpret. In addition, the behavioral problems of pupils with intellectual disabilities is an important issue that needs to be looked at from the wider perspective of social development. While the special schools are doing commendable work for these learners, the increasingly worsening behaviour of pupils with developmental disabilities has become a major concern. Special teaching methods to promote learning are needed, as are behaviour plans both to monitor and to assess behaviour, and to develop coping strategies for both teacher and student so that learning can occur. Thus, the research would focus on identifying factors that affect learnersâ€℠¢ behaviour in the special schools, especially in Gauteng, South Africa. 2.Keywords: severe intellectual disability, special school, inclusive education, support system, learning disability, social model of discussion. 3.Background Intellectual disability can be described as a ‘learning difficulty that is characterized by limitations in various skill areas. These may include limitations in self-care, daily living, social interaction, judgment and self-direction (IHC Inc;Philosophy and Policy 1996:p5). Some forms of intellectual disability, i.e. severe autism, become evident in early childhood. Other forms take longer, and may manifest at school age (Notbohm, 2005, preface). In contemporary times, the concept of disability has moved beyond the constraints of the medical terminology and has embraces a socially relevant stance, keeping the needs of the learners as the main objective in all their policies and plans. Terzi (2004) believes that the social model is a powerful and imp ortant reminder for people at large to face issues of inclusion vis-a-vis persons with disabilities. Inclusion of the disadvantaged population, he believes, is a fundamental as well as a moral issue. World Health Organization (2005) reports that people with disabilities are important contributors to society, and that allocating resources to their rehabilitation would be an investment. Hence, measures that support their integration into mainstream society become highly pertinent issues within the development agenda of nations. The inclusion of disabled students can be broadly described as efforts to increase the participation of children with disability in the school by expanding course curricula to incorporate their needs (Booth & Ainscow, 1998). Thus, inclusion ensures that students with special needs are provided with opportunities to imbibe education and become capable of contributing to the society as a whole. In inclusion, students with special needs are integrated into the mai nstream school without much changes within the school environment (Minto, 2007; Mittler, 2000). The special schools in South Africa have shown great determination to promote education amongst children and adults with disabilities. There have been significant reforms in the education system with the National Education Policy Act of 1996 and the South
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Why do constructivists believe that identity matters Do you agree Essay
Why do constructivists believe that identity matters Do you agree Critically evaluate - Essay Example It is with this respect that Constructivism as a theory tries to explain how humans learn and construct their knowledge and understanding of their environment. Checkel (1998) found that knowledge acquisition is a continuous active process whereby learners tend to construct or develop ideas which are normally based on their previous and current knowledge. In order to make decisions, learners depend on cognitive structure to formulate hypothesis and come up with decisions based on the selected information. Klotz and Lynch (2007) described cognitive structure as a mental structure that gives a learner’s experience some organization and meaning. Although learners always come across new experiences, constructivists believe that an individual possesses internal power to give meaning to their new experiences (McGrew, 2011a). McGrew (2011b) further argues that the power resides only within an individual and not within the institution that surrounds them. Alexander Wendt’s theory of constructivism is based on the identity concept of an individual in the process of knowledge acquisition (Checkel, 1998). Identity being the core concept of Constructivism theory, Price and Reus-Smit (1998) defined it as an aspect that uniquely distinguishes an individual from the rest. An aspect that an individual tends to take pride in and which more or less cannot be changed. Checkel (1998) found that identity is influenced by the learner’s background and cultural origin, since people adapt what they come across in the society they are raised in. In this regard, society plays a major role in molding up an individual’s identity because learners build up knowledge based on their perspective of the experiences they encounter. Finnemore (2011) states that it is also necessary to put into account the cultural background of an individual in their process of learning since it helps in shaping out the knowledge that they create. Due to the diversity of cultures, individuals tend to
Monday, July 22, 2019
Professional Roles and Values Essay Example for Free
Professional Roles and Values Essay Nursing is a profession that constantly evolves to improve itself. There is a high demand for nurses all across America. Excellent nursing practice is achieved by understanding the history of nursing and integrating the milestones achieved with the present practice. Through advanced education and new technology the nurse can provide the patient with the best care and promote community health. Knowledge gives us power to change and advance in healthcare. My mission is to demonstrate excellence in clinical care by my commitment to evidence-based practice research, continuing education, and by delivering culturally competent patient care in a caring and healing environment in accordance with the nurse practice act. PART A The Board of Nursing (BON) is a regulatory agency that functions to protect the public as well as govern the safe practice of nurses. Every state has a board of nursing that mandates the nurse practice act be properly carried out. Nurse practice acts define the scope of nursing, how to obtain licensure, how to lose licensure, and the consequences of practicing without a license. The makeup of the nursing board and its responsibilities come from the nurse practice acts also. The BON is responsible for reviewing the nurse practice act to ensure that minimum standards of practice are defined. The BON also approves nursing education programs, evaluates applicants, issues licensure, and disciplines those who violate the law (Pearson Education, 2010). To obtain a nursing license in South Carolina I am required by the BON to have demonstrated competency in performing regulated activities that are complex, require skill, and independent decision -making. This is determined by showing verification of graduating from an approved Registered Nurse education program, passing the national licensing test, and passing a criminal background check. In order to renew my license biennially I must go through the BON and show verification of competency and the number of hours practiced as evidenced by my employer certification on a form approved by the Board. If I fail to comply the renewal requirements the BON may deny my application for renewal. Also, abiding by the nurse practice act and refraining from unethical decisions such as; using drug and alcohol at work, diverting narcotics, and abusing patients I am able to remain in good standing with the BON and abstain from any disciplinary action from the BON. The American Nurses Association (ANA) is a Professional Nursing Organization that provides nurses a variety of resources to support their careers. The ANA offers leadership positions within the organizations and workshops for continuing education as well as employment resources. Conferences are held within the organization to network and congregate about healthcare reform. Although the ANA does not offer any legal authority to grant licensure or enforce practice policy, it carries the voice of the nurse and the public to the regulatory agency to evoke change (ANA, 2013). I currently am not a member of the ANA, but I plan to join. Being as though I am a nurse that works in the emergency department I feel the need to voice concerns I have in dealing with patient care and staffing issues. I also would like to have a voice in addressing safe nurse to patient ratios in the emergency department. The ANA can help with these issues I face by helping to promote the interests of nurses to state and federal legislative bodies like the BON. I feel this organization can help me obtain the education I need in directing me to online courses offering continuing education credits and assist me in special credentialing such as obtaining a Certified Emergency Nurse certificate. PART B Nursing ethics are a set of standards concerning the actions of the nurse in his or her relationship with patients, patients’ family members, other healthcare providers, policymakers, and society as a whole (Cherry Jacob, 2011). One provision from the code of ethics that influences my practice is â€Å"The nurse participates in the advancement of the profession through contributions to practice, education, administration, and knowledge development (ANA, 2013). Although patient care is of the utmost importance nursing can’t be practiced without the appropriate knowledge required. Evidence-based practiced research is such an important component to nursing. Without the continuous studies of such research progress would not be made in healthcare advancements. As a nurse that has worked in the emergency department I have engaged in educational opportunities offered by the emergency department has helped with quality improvement initiatives and increased patient satisfaction scores. A second provision that has influenced my practice in nursing is listed as â€Å"The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, or community (ANA, 2013). â€Å" Many times in the emergency department families and friends are surrounding their loved one. It is the nurse’s primary duty to advocate for the patient. Many times families have other ideas of healthcare that the patient is not interested in. This is where communication and education is imperative between all involved. Also, if the patient refuses any type of care education is the best answer and then acceptance if the refusal is ongoing. Honoring the patient’s wishes as long as patient safety is not an issue must be upheld in the nursing pr ofession. PART C The ANA Code of Ethics consists of several traits that should be the underlying basis from all professional nursing practices. As a nurse one must interact with a multidisciplinary team to reach optimal results for a patient’s outcome. One of the trait’s that is important is mutual respect. In an Emergency Department I work with several entities all of which have the patient’s best interest at heart. Collaborating, listening, supporting, and implementing goals are all part of having mutual respect for the team members as well as the patient and patient’s family. Another trait that is important is confidentiality. Privacy is an essential code of ethics. Discussing pertinent issues about a patient is restricted to those directly involved in patient care. Many times individuals try to call the emergency department and get updates on patients. I follow the laws in my setting regarding this issue. A third trait would be having respect for human dignity. This is important in the emergency department when patients are too sick to move. Many times patients soil themselves and feel embarrassed. We as nurses must acknowledged their feelings in a therapeutic way. We must maintain professional and never judge the patient in these instances. A fourth trait I possess would be accountability. I take full responsibility to abide by the nurse practice act in my state. I follow the requirement for licensure renewal and take continuing education classes pertinent to my work area. I also am accountable for the nursing care of patients and to practice using the standards of care in my hospital. If I make a mistake I am held accountable for my actions and report any incidents to the appropriate personnel. PART D Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring plays a significant part in promotion of a patient’s health. This theory suggests that there are carative factors that are the core to nursing. It is a holistic outlook that addresses the impact and importance of altruism, sensitivity, trust, and interpersonal skills (Cherry Jacob, 2011). Caring is a key element of the patient’s outcome. Possessing a caring heart sets the bar high in healthcare. â€Å"The transpersonal process of caring, or caring among, nurse, environment, and client, is essential to healing†and the nurse is the tool that â€Å"implements these carative factors, that facilitates, and promotes†the restoration of the patient health (Cherry Jacob, 2011).†PART D1 Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring fits in my professional practice daily. This model helps to establish a trusting rapport between you and the patient. When dealing with patients on an everyday basis the nurse is the one who interacts with the patient the most and sets the tone for the relationship. Compassion and human touch are necessary for positive patient outcomes. Following this module reminds me and helps me to improve my delivery of care by allowing patients to communicate feelings while I actively listen to their needs. When I enter a patient’s room I survey the scene or take a holistic approach. I want to let this patient know I care about all of their needs and not just the medical concerns. The theory states â€Å"interconnectedness of one human touching or caring for another is a carative factor which promotes restoration of health and equilibrium†(Cherry Jacob, 2011). After I introduce myself to the patient I immediately ask them how they are feeling or if there is anything that they are concerned about. I feel this gives the patient the opportunity to discuss concerns and allows time for therapeutic communication establishing a trusting nurse to patient environment. Watson’s carative factors help with caring or maintaining health even when a patient is terminal. I instill this theory through offering chaplin services to patients or assistance finding mental support for those that are terminal. I come in contact with many different cultures in the emergency department and it is important to recognize the need for teaching and making it conducive for the patients to learn about their medication or disease process. Using a language lines shows the patient that you care about their health and education. PART E Florence Nightingale was inspirational and changed the face of nursing across the world from a career many looked down upon to a highly skilled and respected medical profession by implementing standards in healthcare and training others for the occupation. After witnessing the unsanitary conditions during the Crimean War she obtained hundreds of scrub brushes and asked nurses and the least sick patients to scrub the inside of the hospital from floor the ceiling (The Biography Company, 2014). Her compassionate, dedicated, and skilled work helped her to reduce the hospitals death rate by two-thirds from implementing â€Å"The Environmental Theory†into her practice (The Biography Company, 2014). Florence was a nurse that was able to look outside the box and critical think to find solutions to better healthcare. After learning of her great achievements the one I use most in my healthcare setting is following sanitary measures. The spread of bacteria is very prevalent among the emergency department and by adhering to hand hygiene principles and other core measures to keep from the spread of disease I feel her testimony sets the stage for mostly all healthcare employees. Also, through her courage and compassion for humanity she helped to mold my nursing practice into one of diligence. PART F Respect for autonomy comes to mind when I think of a case scenario. Upon triaging a patient with their significant other in the room I came across the medical history section. This may cause concern for some patients being as though we must obtain a full medical history. I explained to the patient that I have personal questions to ask her and needed to know if she would like to be alone during this process. The patient stated she would like her significant other to leave the room. When interviewing the patient they informed me that they did not want their history disclosed to the significant other or any of the results of testing that day. I appreciated this request and then informed the significant other that they must remain in the waiting room until testing was finished and that it would be up to the patient to notify them of updates. Beneficence is the principle of providing good to someone whereas non-maleficence addresses the risk of a procedure to cause harm to a patient (Cherry Jacob, 2011). An example of beneficence I encountered was when an elderly patient was scheduled to have a cardiac catheterization performed. While performing the pre-op measures for this patient it was observed that this patient had an area of breakdown on his skin and an elevated temperature. I immediately called the cardiologist and informed him of the findings. He came to talk to the patient and decided to reschedule the procedure for another day when he was afebrile. Without reporting the finding to the doctor the patient could have introduced infection into the bloodstream and could have became septic with critical results. REFERENCES ANA Nursing World. (2013). Retrieved from Cherry, B., Jacob, S. (2011). Contemporary Nursing: Issues, Trends and Management, (5th edition). St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier. Florence Nightingale. (2014). The website. Retrieved from Pearson Education. (2010). Retrieved May 8, 2015 from
Mr. Burger Essay Example for Free
Mr. Burger Essay Mr. Burger is an international fast-food chain that first opened at Lake Michigan Drive by Peter and Maria Christopoulos, in 1967, between the Ottawa and Kent counties. Since that time, Mr. Burger has evolved from a neighborhood teen hang-out into a thriving family-oriented restaurant. It has transitioned from serving hot dogs and burgers to offering a full menu of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. It launched its first branch in Pakistan, in late 1980’s, near NIPA bridge. Since its launch in Pakistan, Mr. Burger has opened branches at Tariq Road, Boat Basin, Bahadurabad and North Nazimabad. Over the years, customers have come to appreciate the good service and delicious, quality foods offered by Mr. Burger. Situation Analysis. In the past few years, the overall value of Mr. Burger has declined. From our own observation of 2 branches (Tariq Road Boat Basin), we found that the overall state of the branches was below par. The tables and chairs were dirty. The chairs itself were quite uncomfortable. The wallpaper from the walls was scrapped from places. Even the entrance doormat and door had flies and mosquitoes all over them, making the place look unhygienic. Over the past 5-6 years, there has been little or no promotion and this has led further in its decline. Also, the employees are also pretty dull and less-friendly. Their appearance and way of interacting shows as if they are disinterested in working. Even the loyal customers do not prefer it to dine out, due to its poor performance. In the early 2000’s, McDonalds and KFC had been launched in Pakistan, but customers by then, preferred Mr. Burger. In the past 5 years, the scenario is completely different. Competitors like KFC, McDonalds and Subway have taken over Mr. Burger’s market share. All the other competitors engage in variety of promotional campaigns, and the frequency of promotion is also high. Every month or 2, we see new billboards of KFC and McDonalds, introducing some new food items to their menu, or promoting a new deal. KFC and McDonalds have done well in their promotions, and every family prefers them when they go out to eat. Also, the food items of Mr. Burger are overpriced: their Rs.110 beef burger seems to be a matter of few bites. From a survey carried out, we found that Mr. Burger has the lowest brand awareness, usage and performance, in comparison to its main 3 competitors. The overall environment of KFC and McDonalds is very entertaining, providing pleasure to kids, teenagers and adults. That’s the reason why families enjoy dining out there. Before PR Plan|. * Mr. Burger had no credibility * Mr. Burger had no interaction on social media and no website * Very little share of its target market * Old theme â€Å"JUICIEST BURGER†| During PR|. * Consumer started interacting on facebook through competition * Participant and consumer started thinking as â€Å"New Improved Mr. Burger†* Students started noticing through fun fact sheets and free comments * New theme â€Å"Love it for Life†* CSR â€Å"Pure Food†article| After PR|. * Mr. Burger considered as place for hygienic food and fun * Mr. Burger considered as socially responsible * Positive Word-of-Mouth * Brand new Mr. Burger * More credible, more fun, and more health concious| (yeh chart thora contradict kar raha hai hamari observation se, so we can eliminate this chart.) LOVE IT FOR LIFE We believe that Mr. Burger is a restaurant which has a potential to make some of the best memories for its customers. We believe that the people in Pakistan value life and value love to its maximum potential and all it is attainable if you are part of a family. Therefore, we have aimed to promote a family environment for MR. BURGER. Target audience: We are targeting all audiences of ages 6 and above and of social class C+ and above. We are mostly targeting families that have children between the ages of 6-13 as we believe children of these ages are a key factor for promoting restaurant dining in Pakistan. These families would have a tendency to eat out at a place where they have a clean and friendly environment and can have fun together. These families would not be very picky when it comes to choosing a restaurant when eating out but we want to create an image that whenever they think of eating out, they think of Mr. Burger. PR Objectives: * To re launch our brand by creating extended brand awareness. * To build brand credibility by communicating our values and our products to our target audience. * To vitalize our brand by following a new brand ideology and choosing new paths of brand communication. PR Plan Considerations: * The interiors of all the outlets have been redesigned to fit our new theme, â€Å"LOVE IT FOR LIFE†* A Website Facebook page have been established with sufficient members to initiate social and online campaigning. * A number of entries will be received for the â€Å"Director of Fun†competition * Terms and Conditions have already been discussed with channels for the airing of â€Å"MR.BURGER THE SERIES†* Terms and conditions have been agreed with ROB of MAD TV airing on POGO channel for the endorsement of Mr. Burger PR TOOLS: * Fun facts: We would be publishing an article which would contain 10 fun facts about burgers which our target audience would not be aware of. These facts would be such that they are universally accepted and cannot be challenged. This article would be published on all websites and publications which have a large number of target audiences which are children and family oriented people. * Free Compliments: With every meal, we would be giving our customers free compliment cards containing different phrases and sentences which we should our friendly service and care towards all of our customers. This would also help create a positive WOM for Mr. Burger amongst our customers. * Director of Fun: We would be organizing an online competition targeted towards kids of ages 6-13. The objective of this competition would be come with the most imaginative ways to have fun while eating fast food. The participants would have to upload videos and/or photographs on our Facebook page and the entry with the most number of likes would be declared the winner. The winner would be officially being titled as Mr. Burger’s â€Å"Director of Fun†. * Pure Food: This would be a CSR initiative by Mr. Burger to promote the importance of eating fresh and healthy food. This will be achieved by our redesigned packaging and messages running on LCDs present in our outlets. This message will also be communicated through sponsoring seminars on healthy eating being conducted every six months. * Mr. Burger The Series: A kids’ mini TV show will be sponsored as part of a campaign to build a brand mascot for Mr. Burger. The concept of this would be simply be to show a superhero that is just like an average person but when someone is in a peril and needs to be saved, this individual eats a burger and becomes, Mr. Burger  the superhero. * Mr. Burger Times: A newsletter will be published on the website every month which would contain messages from our staff to our customers and our customers to our staff. It would also contain pictures of the good times that people would have experienced at any of the Mr. Burger outlets. This section would also contain a blog where people would be encouraged to mention anything and everything that is related to Mr. Burger. PR PLAN Structure: LAUNCH: * FUN FACTS * DIRECTOR OF FUN * MR. BURGER  THE SERIES POST LAUNCH: * PURE FOOD * FREE COMPLIMENTS * MR. BURGER TIMES.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Risks of Forex Investment
Risks of Forex Investment Currency market Introduction The foreign exchange market is a very liquid market; everyone can trade and sell, everyone has access to it 24/7. Unlike the stock exchange, where its centralised at a particular area, such as the New York Stock Exchange. But the currency market is an over the counter market; it can be traded in any geographic location. There is no broker fee, only a low-cost transaction fee, which makes it more accessible for people to invest in. To answer the assignment question, we will need to look at the risks associated with currency market, the potential returns and finally how to manage these factors. Risks When an organisation makes the decision to engage in international financing activities, the company also take on additional risk as well as opportunities. The most common risks are associated with businesses engaging in international finance which includes foreign exchange risk and political risk, such as Trump being elected the new president of United States of America. The dollar increased, and will continue to increase, depending on what political decision he makes, as Donald Trump plays a huge part of influencing the value of the dollar. These political risks may make it difficult to maintain constant and reliable revenue for the firm or could be a potential to make a profit. An investor could also invest in Forex, but there is always a risk that occurs when the value of investment vacillates. This is due to changes in a currencys conversion rate. When a native currency appreciates against a foreign exchange, profit or returns earned in the foreign country will decline after being exchanged back to the native currency. Numerous points of investment risks are inherent in overseas investing: political risk, local tax inferences and exchange rate risk. Exchange rate risk is particularly significant since the earnings associated with a foreign stock must then be transformed into U.S. dollars before an investor can spend the profits. Breaking down risks: The political environment of overseas countries generates portfolio risks because governments and political systems are continuously in change. Naturally this has a very direct influence on economic and business divisions. Political risk is considered a type of disorganised risk linked with specific countries, which can be spread away by capitalising in a broad range of countries, effectively accomplished with broad-based overseas mutual assets or exchange-traded assets. Foreign taxation poses another problem. Just as overseas investors with U.S. securities are subject to U.S. government taxes, foreign investors are also taxed on foreign-based securities. Taxes on overseas investments are typically withheld at the source country before an investor can understand any advantages. Returns are then taxed again once the stockholder exiles the funds. Finally, theres currency risk. Variations in the value of currencies can directly influence foreign investments, and these fluctuations interrupt the risks of investing in non-U.S. assets. Occasionally these risks work in the firms favour, other times they do not. For example, In the wake of Donald Trump winning the US election, the real 10-year Treasury yield climbed to a 2016 high of 0.74 per cent by mid-December. It has subsequently retreated since to about 0.4 per cent, and weighed on the dollar. (Khan, 2017). As Donald Trump won the election, the price of the dollar improved, this generates opportunities for investors, so they can make a profit.  Figure 1 Trump victory. (Cox, 2017) By looking at figure 1, since the Trump election victory, the dollar has increased by 4.46%, from 97.06 to 101.39 over a period of 55 days. The last time it happened, in January 1987, the Dow dropped 11 percent over the next year as the market endured one of its worst crashes. The previous occurrence in March 1964 saw the index climb 9.3 percent over 12 months. (Ciolli and Wang, 2017). This political event was one of the crucial days for investors in the currency market, but history suggests that the market might endure a bad crash. Thats one example, the Brexit event is another political example: If Britain stops sending money to the EU budget, they lose access to the single market. But they save  £350m every week, and they can easily renegotiate a trade deal with the EU for goods, as Britain already complies with the current regulations and there are no tariffs currently. (Cadman and Tetlow, 2016) After the decision to leave the EU, there have been several initial effects caused by Brexit. The FTSE 100 shrugged off a brief post-referendum dip and is now at levels that havent been seen since August 2015. The FTSE 250 suffered an 11.4 per cent fall just after the vote. (Belam, 2016) Figure 2 FTSE 250 The other effects of the Brexit vote were on the pound, on 23 June, it was worth $1.50. It is now trading around $1.30, down about 13%. This is the lowest it has been since the mid-1980s. (Belam, 2016) As the pound weakens, international companies with businesses both domestically and outside of the UK make profits this is due to the foreign currency being converted back into sterling. An additional effect of the Brexit was the PMI report submitted by Markits, and it shows that the UK economy is shrinking at a quarterly rate of 0.4%. (Belam, 2016) Services output and new business both fall at the fastest rates since march 2009, and the month-on-month decline in the index in the latest period, at 4.9 points, was the largest observed since the survey began in July 1996. (Martin, 2016) (Belam, 2016) By looking at the initial effects, we can undoubtedly see that the UK economy is suffering cause of the Brexit decision, and is shrinking its economy by a quarterly rate of 0.4%. Potential Returns The long-term returns of the currency market are engrossed in a few days. Javier Estrada of the IESE Business School showed that over a period of 40 years, missing only the best 10 days would have cost investors about half their capital gains, while avoiding the 10 worst days would have led to 2 ½ times the capital gains. (Authers, 2017). This tells the importance of being active and decisive in the currency market, missing a few crucial days can cost dearly. The clue behind this process is making fewer transactions that yield larger individual gains. Thats the long-term returns, the short term return however, is decided in seconds and minutes, quick thinkers and experienced stock investors make the quick decision, deciding whether it is worth investing or not. Looking at political opportunities that can benefit both long term and short term returns, the example of Donald Trump winning the presidential election and Britain invoking article 50 are good examples that explain the impact the political decisions shaped on the currency market. Missing an event like that can cause the investor to lose a lot of capital. In a real scenario that should not happen, as the economists working for the investment firm shouldve predicted a jump in the dollar matrix due to the election and a drop in sterling after Brexit. Looking ahead to 2017, our experts argue a new investment phase has begun as the yield curve finally turns upwards. Flattened by years of ultra-low interest rates and monetary stimulus, world economies are gradually being weaned off quantitative easing. (Barret, 2017) Recommendations for investors Managing the risks of investing can be hard, but not if you take certain precautions before the investor makes the investment, such as carefully considering his investment objectives, the level of experience, and risk appetite. If the investor makes a loss, the investor/firm needs to have enough capital to invest in something else, rather than spending all the assets in one investment. A different way to manage risk is diversification and it is the most important component in helping the investor reach a long-range economic goal while diminishing the investors risk. At the same time, diversification is not a bulletproof assurance against a loss. No matter how much diversification you employ, investing includes taking on some risk. An additional way to manage the risk is hedging, but its not free, and if the investor isnt experienced enough about investing then it could have a really bad input to the investment, but it does reduce the risk of the investment. A question that often confuses investors is how many stocks should be bought in order to reach ideal diversification. According to portfolio theorists, adding about 20 securities to the investors portfolio reduces almost all of the individual security risk involved. This assumes that the investor buys stocks of different proportions from numerous industries. Conclusion The conclusion of this essay tells that, investing in forex is full of risk, but there are several ways of limiting the risks. But limiting risks can also create more risks, such as using hedging to reduce the risk. References: Authers, J. (2017). Timing the US market a big challenge for passive investors. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Feb. 2017]. Cox, J. (2017). What is going to happen to the dollar under Trump, according to experts and investors. [online] The Independent. Available at: [Accessed 26 Feb. 2017]. Belam, M. (2016). One month on, what has been the impact of the Brexit vote so far?. [online] the Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 20 Feb. 2017]. Martin, W. (2016). Every part of the UK economy is suddenly shrinking. [online] Business Insider Australia. Available at: [Accessed 20 Feb. 2016]. Cadman, E. and Tetlow, G. (2016). The EU single market: How it works and the benefits it offers. [online] Financial Times. Available at: [Accessed 22 Oct. 2016]. Cadman, E. and Tetlow, G. (2016). The EU single market: How it works and the benefits it offers. [online] Financial Times. Available at: [Accessed 22 Oct. 2016]. Ciolli, M. and Wang, M. (2017). Trump Is on the Verge of His Own Bull Market. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2017]. Khan, M. (2017). US 10-year treasury yields enjoy biggest monthly jump since 2009. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2017]. Barret, C. (2017). Where should I invest in 2017?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2017].
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Teaching Philosophy Statement :: Teachers Education Essays
Teaching Philosophy Statement Education is an experience that will contribute to all aspects of one’s future. The process of that experience is a long progression that should be a positive era in one’s life. Receiving an education should be an enjoyable experience, one in which when you look back and reflect on it you feel that your time was well spent receiving it. A person should learn how to think critically and for them self. They should learn to be an individual not always comply to other people’s opinions. A philosophy of education should be established so that one may understand and articulate the decisions made in the school and classrooms. The overall purpose of education is to not only to prepare children intellectually but also emotionally, socially, and physically for the world that awaits them. It is important that students develop in these areas of maturation. In today’s society almost every job requires some sort of education. As an educator I hope to connect with students and motivate them to acquire such an education. I hope that my students learn to appreciate the benefits of physical fitness and also learn that it can be fun, as well as challenging. I am majoring in k-12 Physical Education and Athletic Training. I plan to teach at the high school level while also serving as the school’s Athletic Trainer. Idecided to also be a physical education teacher because I want to connect with the children not only through athletics but also through the classroom. I want to be not only a teacher but also a positive role model for the children, someone they can come to in a time of need. Since my classroom will more than likely be in a gymnasium I will not be able to determine how it is set up. However, I will be able to determine where the children sit during class time. The children will be in lines parallel to each other for stretching before activity begins. Each week a new person will come to the front of each line to lead the stretches, and the person that was at the front the week before will go to the back.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Anorexia Essay examples -- Eating Disorder Health Weight Essays
Anorexia The World Book Encyclopedia defines anorexia as, "one who avoids food for psychological reasons". Most "experts" believe that those who suffer from anorexia are starving themselves to avoid growing into adults. It is also common knowledge among these experts that anorexics "want to gain attention and a sense of being special". People say that anorexia doesn't stop at affecting the victim at hand; instead, it surpasses the anorexic. Which means that anorexia affects the personality of the person; that it branches off to affect other parts of that anorexics life. Body image obsession, self-devotion, attention grabbing, selfishness, are all attributes which keenly describe anorexia in the eyes of the media and most hospital institutions. It is that view point which affect modern societies view eating disorders, and anorexia in particular. Examples can be found in the recent attention paid towards anorexia, most of this well deserved attention, however, is not positive. Sketches on television viewed by the programming of such shows as Saturday Night Live, poke fun at anorexics by making them into exactly what the media prefers them to be, and shows that all the attributes are true. Others like radio legend Howard Stern has games like Guess The Bulimic. It is things like these that make it very difficult for one suffering from an eating disorder to come out and seek help in fear of being hurt. Imagine, if you will, being in lonely, miserable cell. You have the ability to leave at anytime, and there at the door are your family and friends, encouraging you to escape. However, there is a drill bit in your back and every time you try to move, it pushes into your back. You're restrained, restricted from freedom. ... ...xia Nervosa. New York: Warner Books. 1997. 9. Normandi, Carol Emery and Roark, Laurelee. It?s Not About Food. New York: Penguin. 1998. 10. Sandbek, Terence J. Ph. D. The Deadly Diet: Recovering From Anorexia & Bulimia. Oakland: New Harbinger. 1993. 11. Gordon, Richard A. Anorexia and Bulimia: Anatomy of a Social Epidemic. Malden: Blackwell. 1997. 12. Jantz, Gregory L. PH.D. Hope, Help, & Healing for Eating Disorders. Wheaton: Zondervan. 1995. 13. "To Be Thin in China." New York Times 12 December 1999. 14. Rosenthal, Elisabeth. "China's Chic Waistline: Convex to Concave." New York Times 9 December 1999. 15. 16. http://WWW.BHS.BERKELEY.K12.CA.US/departments/science/anatomy/anatomy98/eating/html/title.html, 17., Montreux Counselling Center web page. 18.
Bicycle Helmets Mandatory? :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Bicycle Helmets Mandatory? Should bicycle helmets be made mandatory for all cyclist? That is what two elementary students asked for from their city council, an ordinance enforcing the use of Bicycle Safety helmets for children under 12. So on April 25, 2002, in Richardson, Texas, the city council had decided against an ordinance requiring bicycle helmets for children under 12. Of course they had their reasons for not passing the request made by two young girls. If they would have taken a serious look at the issue, they may have viewed it differently. Assistant City Manager Mike Wanchick said, "A helmet seems to give a false sense of security to the cyclist, who feel less vulnerable and may ride less cautiously," He then went on to add. "As a result, riders wearing a helmet are more likely to have an accident." (Post) Now, the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute (BHSI) statistics show four states accounted for 40 percent of bicycle deaths in 2000, With Texas as one of them. Yet, Wanchick says that "our basic position is that bicycle safety is a parents' primary obligation," adding " What hurts kids are cars and we need to be working the traffic citations out there* people who are licensed to drive cars, not kids learning to ride bicycles." (Post) Even though 10 of the largest cities in Texas have bicycle-helmet ordinances including Dallas and Fort Worth. But, Richardson Texas choose to not act on this issue, but turn a blind eye to one of the silent injuries and the prevention of it by wearing a simple helmet. The BHSI say s the statistics show about 800 bicyclists die in the US every year. Plus another one in eight of the cyclists injured has a brain injury. The city also cited U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission data reports that the number of head injuries to cyclists has increased by 10% percent since 1991, even with the rise in helmet use. Cyclist has declined at the same time, the data indicated, increasing the rate of head injuries per active cyclist though the decade by 51% percent. The commission's data also shows a substantial reduction in cycling where helmet laws are in effect.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
How far was Lloyd Georges fall from grace in 1922 the result of his own mistakes after 1918? Essay
A general election held in 1918 gave Lloyd George and the Conservative coalition a very comfortable majority in parliament, but it also left Lloyd George in an untenable position. The coalition consisted overwhelmingly of Conservatives, meaning that Lloyd George’s hold on power was extremely weak. He could not do many of the things he would have liked to do in a purely Liberal government, simply because he did not have the support of the Conservatives. After the war, Lloyd George faced some very serious domestic problems. Firstly was the issue of the German reparations and punishments. There was a strong feeling in Britain that Germany was fully responsible for the war, and therefore should be punished severely. Lloyd George did not subscribe to this opinion. He felt that Germany should be punished, but not to the extent that it ceased to exist. He came to the conclusion that if Germany was effectively destroyed by war payments, it would leave a large power vacuum in the centre of Europe. Lloyd George was worried that this gap would be filled by the Communist ideals of the Bolsheviks. Along with this, the post-war depression that was consuming Britain resulted in a loss of popularity for Lloyd George. The new markets Britain were relying after the war had not materialized, and several of Britain’s old markets had found cheaper suppliers. This resulted in a large scale closing of many industries. The failure of both France and Russia to pay back their war loans meant that Britain in turn was not able to pay back the loans borrowed from America. This in turn resulted in a dramatic increase in unemployment, going far beyond the ‘intractable million’. In both of these situations, the Conservatives in the coalition were more than happy to sit back and let Lloyd George take the blame for these domestic problems. They began to notice his dwindling popularity and made no effort to halt it. The Conservatives were more than aware that they had a large enough amount of MP’s to have an overall majority in parliament, so for the time being they were content to sit back and allow Lloyd George to try and work Britain out of it’s economical mess. After the war, the vast gap in Liberal and Conservative policy became overwhelmingly apparent. The pressing issue of the continuing nationalisation of the coal mines caused many problems for Lloyd George. As a liberal, George was in favour of public ownership of the mines. Knowing that it would be impossible to convince the Conservatives to carry on with the nationalisation, he ordered an independent commission into the matter. He told the trade unions that he would abide by whatever was decided by the commission. Lloyd George assumed he had averted the matter by appointing a top judge, Mr. Justice Sankey. Lloyd George felt that Sankey was bound to want privatisation of the mines. When Sankey found in favour of continuing nationalisation, Lloyd George was in a compromising situation. He had already promised to carry out whatever Mr. Sankey decided, but he did not want to upset the Conservative majority. In the end, Lloyd George decided to do nothing. This greatly upset the trade unions, and resulted in a lasting distrust in him. The Chanak incident resulted in a similar situation for Lloyd George. Firstly, it widened the chasm between the two factions of the coalition further, with Lloyd George supporting the Greeks, and the Conservatives continuing their support of Turkey. More importantly, the Conservatives were worried with Lloyd George putting Britain at military risk so soon after WWII. This is the clearest sign of Conservative disillusionment with continuing the coalition. Lloyd George was also plagued by external factors he had no control over. An example of this is the change in leadership of the Conservative party. Bonar Law was an extremely influential figure within his party. He was good at persuading people to his point of view. His successor Austen Chamberlain lacked the finesse of Bonar Law. He spoke to his party about continuing the coalition only days after two coalition Conservative MPs had been defeated in by elections. This meant that at the time the Conservatives had very little patient with the coalition. The growing disenchantment with Lloyd George was only elevated by his style of government. During the war, George formed a small war cabinet that had the power to make changes in any area of the government. After the war, this continued. Rather than consulting his cabinet on important matters, he preferred to consult a small group of advisors. This obviously upset the Conservative cabinet, as their influence over Lloyd George was falling. Another source of discontent from the Conservatives toward Lloyd George was the so called ‘honours scandal’. After his split from Asquith and the original Liberal party, Lloyd George’s liberals needed a secure source of funding. To aid this, he allowed honours to be sold to wealthy people for a great deal of money. This was certainly not the first example of this happening, but it was the first example of it happening on such a wide scale. To further contribute to the problem, several less than savoury business bought themselves titles. The press caught hold of these affairs and made it commonly known, much to the Conservatives dismay. Examples like these show clearly that Lloyd George contributed significantly to his own downfall, but it’s likely that the Conservative decline in support played a larger part in his fall from grace. While Lloyd George was popular with the public, he was an electoral asset, but as his popularity among the electorate decreased, so did his support from the Conservatives. Backbench Conservative MPs were particularly upset with continuing the coalition as it meant they had less promotion opportunities as a number of cabinet places had to be filled by Liberal MPs. Even if Lloyd George’s popularity among the electorate had remained high, it is hard to imagine the Conservatives wanting to continue the coalition past 1922. The 1918 election had given the Conservatives the confidence they needed after having several years out of power. They realised they would have had a majority in Parliament without the Liberals in the coalition. While it is impossible to ignore Lloyd George’s shortcoming as Prime Minster in peace time, it is clear that Conservative disillusionment was the main cause of his downfall. Bibliography: â€Å"David Lloyd George – A Biography†Peter Rowland
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Inauguration Reactions: The Making of a Memory in January
As a gratify boomer, I have seen and do homophiley things during my 60 eld in the world. I grew up to see technical foul innovations, the space race, and the transformation of the United States in the 1960s. I have traveled every over the country as a child with a father, who was a passage military man. I have charge traveled the world during my stint as a Seaman. I have seen the great(p) life of the streets and walked the h all toldowed halls of the university, receiving a hold ins in Criminal Justice, well-nigh twenty-plus years ago.The horizontalts of my past tie into the major regulart I pass on briefly see in my future, President-elect Barack Obamas presidential Inauguration. I must admit that this milepost in our lands news report brings to me pride, wonder, and nostalgia. Along with all these emotions, comes what a man like me finds disenfranchised to admit, fear. Barack Obama has been talking almost change and I k directly all about and I have seen change , I have pressd it. I bequeath embrace inauguration day with as much(prenominal) enthusiasm as I keep, even though I am electrostatic filled will wonder.I must admit that the new transformation of the nation is difficult for me and many like me. I grew up, as a young boy, to visualize that the integrity of a military soulfulness was never to be questioned. It was an inconvenient accuracy in my twenties, during my own military catch to see the opposite. Many Vietnam veterans were non receive and revered like the military custody of my fathers wars. To me, McCain was the epitome of fearlessness and strength during that misunderstood war in Vietnam and to see the shift away from the keep that men like him deserve brought up many painful memories for me.I must add too, that I am white. But, food coloring has never been an issue with me in this situation. approximately of us, who remember the 60s, have evolved from nitwitted racism. As a man, though, who has seen the ins and outs of criminal justice, it is punishing to trust the integrity of an attorney. Most in the criminal justice field retrieve similar. As an older person, as well, it is hard to trust the unfounded optimism of the juvenility and their vote. I remember when I was young and power saw many activists hitting the streets in reject and to me it was simply chaos.But, then it was word of speak grassroots campaigning while now technology has advanced us to profit activism and social networking. Some have even said the Obama won because of his extensive cyberspace presence. All of this is a wonder in itself. I must admit that round of the fear, too, comes from recalling the tragedies of innovative men like Obama. I vividly recall the assassinations of both Kennedy brothers, Martin Luther office Jr. , and Malcolm X. When I hear reports of dissidents in the U. S. , I fear for this man, because I retire that this can happen, because it has happened. I wonder if the youth think about that much.In closing, I would like to say that I was tall of both candidates that ran for President in 2008 and will be proud of Obama, when he takes the remark in 2009. I feel as if I am passing the blowlamp into a new era, a burn that has been burning now for some years without me even realizing it. It will take a lot of acceptance and expectations for this new generation, save I am confident that they can handle the charge appointed not just to the President, but to them, as well. As long as the conception of keep and integrity stay always on the table, I can rest aware that the next four years will be memorable and momentous.
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