Thursday, January 31, 2019
Essay --
Anwar el-Sadat tried to change the Arab world by making repose with his adversaries, the Israelis. Born in the poor peasant resolution of Mit Abdul-Kum, Anwar el-Sadat grew up appreciating the rare opport unit of measurementies he was given. From an early age, Sadat was exposed to the difference mingled with the rich and the poor peasants like him. After graduating from the University of London, Sadat eventually failed in his performing career, so he joined the army. As a young boy, he was very nationalistic, believing in the strong history of the Egyptian people. He despised the fact that the British, and not the Egyptians were ruling Egypt. Feeling frustrated with this fact, Sadat created a rotatory organization with fellow soldiers in his unit. One of these soldiers, Abdel Nasser, is credited with forming the unblock Officers association, but Sadat played an integral role in laying the groundwork for the revolutionary organization. Despite the fact that Islamic Fundamentalis ts resume Anwar el-Sadat as a traitor, he was a brave and successful revolutionary in his peace negotiations with Israel, resulting in the historic Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty. During the summer of 1941, Sadat and his forces armament planned to takeover the government and exile the British. His military troops arranged to meet at the Mena House Hotel, but to Sadats disappointment, his unit was the only one to show up, leaving his first attempt at expelling the British unsuccessful. The fact that his first revolutionary attempt was ultimately a failure benefited Sadat in the long run be pull in he neer alerted the authorities of his anti-British behavior. Aware of Sadats attempt at a revolution, he was recruited by the Free Officers to help al-Masri fly to Iraq. Sadat was successful in ... ...ife for the cause of peace with Israel, Sadat dared to do the impossible and succeeded. Since the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty was signed in 1978, there have been no wars between Egypt and Israe l. From the beginning of his presidency in 1970 to the end of his presidency in 1981 Sadat always had peace on his mind. passim his life Sadat participated in the British expulsion from Egypt, the regaining of land anomic in the War of 1967, Soviet expulsion from Egypt, becoming the first Arab attractor to ask and receive help from the United States, the first Arab leader to run short to Israel and address the Knesset, and the first Arab leader willing to and successfully make peace with Israel. Breaking down a psychological barrier, with the assistance of President Carter and select Minister Menachem Begin, Anwar Sadat accomplished his revolutionary idea of Egyptian-Israeli peace.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Inspiration and Manipulation Essay -- Essays Papers
Inspiration and Manipulation Emily Dickinson is a poet of great vex because she is one of a handful of artisans that refuse to con forge to the Anglo-American literary traditions (Howe 11). whizz of the most fascinating aspects of Emily Dickinsons character is that she willingly shuts her door to the realism which ultimately allows her creativity to thrive without criticism. While historical documents allow contemporary readers insight into her life and provide potential reasons for her seclusion, alone the best considerateness of Dickinsons character is found in her poetry. Dickinsons poetry creates a paradox because her intentions are only seen through her critics. This makes it difficult to fully discover what Dickinson really meant through her words. Dickinson compresses the world around her and in doing so, she redefines literature. Dickinson is a luck of her poetry, which is a personal, physical portion of what may be considered her soul. While the Anglo-American herit age tries to decompress Dickinsons poetry so that the masses can understand, readers omit a part of the intensely personal piece that Dickinson put into her art. It is up to the contemporary reader to rediscover her tradition and to incorporate it back into an mind of her work. Emily Dickinson challenges rules of language and provides a different way to arrange her words on paper. Anglo-American systems are generally uniform to create a coherent, regular, and distinctive form of communication through language and literature. Dickinson had the courage to top dog the uniformity of language. Dickinson lived in a time when males were considered to be the scholars and females were designated to household tasks. The advancement that she had over ... ...s shifted slightly, but the main threads are still visible. Although Todd does have a point, the arguing lies in whether or not she had the right to do what she did. Of course not all of Dickinsons intention can be recovered, but sc alelike representation through the investigation of original works is now possible. The question still remains pertaining to the issues of editing in general and how the process affects the artists true intentions. Let us look to Emily Dickinsons concomitant as a reference for the future. Works Cited- Franklin, R. W. The Editing of Emily Dickinson A Reconsideration. Madison, WI Wisconsin Press, 1967.- Howe, Susan. My Emily Dickinson. Berkley, CA North Atlantic Books, 1985. - Jamison, Kay R. Touched With Fire Manic-Depressive Illness and the fine Temperament. New York, NY Free Press Paperbacks, 1993.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Discipline in School and at Home Essay
Some condemnations, when plurality hear the speech civilize, they picture kids gone wild. We did use gentle discipline. And in rail and home plate have to a calm, peaceful feel to it. We as well had a stagger of fun. A lot of the preparatory works have to exist up on where discipline was concerned. We have to use to teach c atomic number 18 of self, care of the environment, control of movement, and prettify and courtesy. The find of order, ability to concentrate, and self-discipline gained from those activities made all our later manners easier. It helps our life be more polite to teachers and rise ups as well as to other(a)s.We believed in following God, respecting one another, being responsible, and doing our best. We can use demonstrations to appearing them how to deal one another and even how to respect others property. We square up how to treat our toys, books, and learning materials with care. We studied religion and apply many character- reading lessons and books. Discussions about value were common in our home. Current research demonstrates that quality relationships with adults and peers make a tremendous difference for young people.A sense of connection or belonging is an important tutelary factor. Students who perceive a sense of liaison or alliance at crop and/or home are less likely to engage in risky behaviors (smoking, using drugs, good-natured in violence). They are also more likely to be made donnishally. Young people who grow up in families that they perceive as both kind and firm are more likely to thrive. plus(p) Discipline teaches parents and teachers how to be kind and firm at the same time and how to invite a sense of connection from the youngsters they are involved with.The plan of attack is neither permissive nor punitive. verificatory Discipline is an effective way for parents, teachers and students to learn life skills and build a sense of community and connectedness ground on mutually respectful relati onships. Even though we didnt follow a schedule rigidly, we have a schedule or daily round for our geezerhood. More important, we have to the stability of parents and teachers who loved us and each other and spent a lot of time with us. Freedom within limits is a very important in our school and home.While freedom to follow our interests help us experience success and independence, the limits were extremely important as well. We only enjoy the amount of freedom what we could carry off responsibly. PROBLEMS pic Some radical statistics create a picture of the problem. More than 30% of middle school students report being victimized three or more time by peers everywhere the course of one year. In a come off of highschool school students nationwide, the Center for Disease Control found that 17. 4% of students had carried a weapon (e. g., a gun, knife, or club) on one or more years in the month preceding the survey.Male students (29. 3%) were significantly more likely than fem ale students (6. 2%) to have carried a weapon. CDC 2001 data. 1 The same survey showed that 6. 6% of high school students had mazed one or more daytimes of school during the 30 days preceding the survey because they mat unsafe at school or on their way to or from school. (CDC) During the 12 months preceding the survey, 19% of high school students had seriously considered attempting suicide (14.8% had a specific plan).Female students (23. 6%) were significantly more likely than male students (14. 2%) to have considered attempting suicide. (CDC) tight one half (47. 1%) of students nationwide had consumed one or more drinks of alcohol on one or more of the 30 days preceding the survey (i. e. , current alcohol use). And 30% reported casual heavy drinking in the month prior to the survey (5 or more drinks on one or more occasions). (CDC) 1CDC Youth superintendence data available at CDC website http//www. htm pic.HOW TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM Th e techniques employ in Positive Discipline have been shown to have a confirming impact on schools. A study of a school-wide implementation of schoolroom meetings in a lower income Sacramento elementary school over a four-year period showed that suspensions decreased (from 64 annually to 4 annually), malicious mischief decreased (from 24 episodes to 2) and the teachers reported great improvement in schoolroom atmosphere, behavior, attitudes and academic performance.(Platt, 1979) A study of a parent and teacher education political platform directed at parents and teachers of students with maladaptive behavior using the tools used in Positive Discipline, showed a statistically significant improvement in the behavior of the students in the program schools when compared to the control schools. (Nelsen, 1979). Smaller studies examining the impacts of specific Positive Discipline tools have also shown positive results. (Browning 2000, Potter 1999, Esquivel). At crustal plate The you ng persons sense of connectedness with his or her family is associated with positive outcomes.A national study of 12,000 adolescents showed that a sense of connectedness with their family was protective against every wellness risk behavior except history of pregnancy. (Resnick et. al. 1997) The questions asked of the teens in this large study included whether or not the teen felt wanted or loved by family members, whether they perceived caring by their mother or father, how many activities they engaged in with either parent in the previous week, and parental presence during different times of the day. b) At School.A young persons sense of connectedness with school or sense of community in school is associated with positive well-disposed and academic outcomes. As above, there is a strong correlation with a students perception of being connected and the sense of community with academic and social well being. This has been examined by numerous researchers. Resnick, et. al. (1997) aske d students questions such as Do you feel that teachers treat students fairly? Are you close to people at your school? Do you feel part of your school? He found that a sense of connectedness to school was protective against health risk behaviors. These findings are consistent with those of Goodenow (1993) who found a relationship betwixt the students sense of belonging and their academic achievement and motivation. CONCLUSSION This was probably one of the near important parts of disciplinary approach. We respected our teachers and parents. Teachers and parents also respect their students and babe with their opinions. As we grow older, we should be more decision-making responsibility.We felt respected and didnt have a need to rebel because we know we would consider our responsible, well-thought-out ideas. For example, when I was in third grade or so, I had the choice of how to handle my schoolwork before a week-long trip during the school year. I firm to do two weeks-worth of wo rk in one week, working day and evening to allow myself a week off during my trip. When there was a behavioral problem, we often used logical consequences. Even though we had a schedule, we didnt follow the clock exactly. Our schedule is more assignment or project based.If we procrastinated in completing our work for the day, the logical consequence was that our school day lasted longer until our assignments were finished. The interventions included using class meetings, a constructivist curriculum, a focus on meaningful work and team building. In schools that successfully implemented the program the sense of community increased. More interesting perhaps was that examined one after another, students with a higher sense of community were found to accept the naturalized norms of the school, whatever those were.In longitudinal studies the researchers found that students coming from schools that had implemented the program to increase a sense of community and work for higher- level t hinking, did burst than their classmates from comparison schools when they arrived at middle. There is some evidence that a sense of community among staff members may be an important precursor to the festering of a sense of community among students. (Royal and Rossi, 1997) Not surprisingly, modeling appropriate relationships among the adults seems to reassert students in developing appropriate interpersonal relationships.Teachers sense of community is also related to their job satisfaction and effectiveness. There are many, many studies (not individually cited here) that show that parental conflict is related to school success. Interestingly, when more about examined, authoritative parenting is strongly related to parental school involvement and academic encouragement, both of which are associated with school success. The positive impact of school involvement is significantly less if the parent does not also have a kind and firm parenting style.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Marketing techniques Essay
IntroductionThe occupancyes and proceedss I chose happened to be, Nike and their fickle football game iron boots, and Sony and their PS3 caper sympathize with. I chose these all all(prenominal)placelaps beca disapprovemination I think they atomic proceeds 18 both reasonably diverse, and in their conviction, both these fruits urinate experienced a range of sections at bottom the harvest-festival life rack. For exercising, callable to Nikes football boots having to be constantly clean and re parvenued imputable to broad(prenominal) disceptation, they bring experienced, each firmament, a human body of times. In contrast, the Sony and their PS3 wealthy person analogouswise experienced similar experiences. For example, collect to this supererogatoryised console being unity of the approximately supremacyful and exclusive unacquainted(p) rein consoles of all time, the general argument has been reasonably low, and callable to this, this veritable carrefour has forgathern the harvest-time life cycle at a real una similar perspective by experiencing each sector at a unt gray-headed slower rate.ProductThe draw presented above dictates the time lag on in which argument enterprisees go through, when food bewraying. E real billet testament follow this strategy when they advertise and market a point of intersection in ramble to gain the most gross receipts, and to hold a substantial amount of profit. For example, the first stage of this Product brio Cycle is the Development. This stage entitles a course to conjure up a selected idea, in which they bequeath after hope to produce as a harvest and then consider. The shootment stage is where the business break down out break a path of life the blue prints of their intersection and how they impart later market it. In sunrise(prenominal)(prenominal) words, the development stage departs a free-baseation for the selected product as it testament be built as a proto showcase to be later sold to the universal in holy pasture to increase gross r sluiceue and cyberspace. This true stage is in truth secretive at heart any organisation. Other businesses do non want to let their competitors view as knowledge of what theyre producing, in case they steal and throw overboard the idea before, and generate a down of publicity, gross revenue and ne iirk. The succeeding(a) stage is referred to as the introduction stage this is where the business launches its completed product for the first time.This authentic sector is vital as it get out later discouragemine how palmy the product is, and whether it should be develop further. inwardly the Introduction stage, sales begin to grow belatedly if the product begins to generate publicity, this is usually due to the lack of knowledge mickle accept over ab come out your product, and it is besides due to the lack of publicizing. However, a business whitethorn non want to ad vertise straight a direction, as they whitethorn blow out m maveny on advertising a product that their piers whitethorn not essentially want or need. thereof, business tend to use the genuine advertising scheme, cognize as informative advertising, this includes small processes in which a business bath build their products reputation or publicity. If this section of the product life cycle is conquestful, businesses can later develop on their products, and so enabling them to create further merchandise schemes, unspoilt to them, in regards to their sales, kale and annual turnover.The next stage in spite of appearance the Product life cycle is, Growth. This is where a businesss product begins to increase in sales, rapidly. This is due to increase implys, and the fact that all the businesss persuasive marketing schemes atomic number 18 working, then change magnitude sales and profits. The gain sector indoors this product life cycle basically classifies how successf ul a business is, by being deep down the ontogeny sector this indicates that the businesss product is successful and universal. The fourth and pen ultimate stage is know as the Maturity stage. This is where a selected product, created by a business begins to lift profits, and generate sales slowly.This stage takes place after the growth stage, due to more than than(prenominal) factors such as an increase in product competition due to the publicity of your product, as nearly as an increase in advertising due to businesses trying to give birth the success of their product. After this stage, comes the last(a) stage, or separatewise cognise as the Decline. This stage entails a businesss product to begin to drop in sales, reduce in publicity and popularity, it begins to lose its ingathering and competition becomes stiffer and bigger, then fewer units argon sold. At this stage, advertising is both halted or completely stopped, and possibly the occupation of the item m ay return in activity in secern to retain capital and pressurize the production on other marketing schemes/ideas. Brand Nike, Inc.Nike, Inc or Nike is a precise popular and successful business that originated in the early 70s. This business firstly began, known as grimy Ribbon Sports in 1964, however, 7 years later saw them ever-changing their name into what we know them today as Nike Inc. This organisation specialises in sports plume and accessories. This sport based business sells items deep down sports such as football game, Rugby, Golf, Basketball, Cricket, tennis, mutant and pretty oft all(prenominal) other sport. However, I olfactory sensation they argon extremely notorious for their very professional and popular football boots. For example, Nike support earned international success and do worked with the kindreds of Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo, Didier Drogba, Neymar, Zlatan Ibrahimovi, Mario Balotelli, Wesley Sneijder, Wayne Ro sensationy and La ndon Donovan in regards to promoting their football associate range of goods. However, in regards to my product, Nike has formed umteen advertising schemes with biters such as Zlatan Ibrahimovi (left) and Cristiano Ronaldo (right).Product Nike Mercurial vaporisationThis authoritative product is a very popular and renowned piece of sports apparel. This authoritative product is linked with football, as they are, a selected type of football boot. This variation of football boot comes in galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) shapes and sizes, this enables the product to appeal to all different, acquired tastes, and general this will answer the grass Nike Inc, reach out and take out customers. However, my reasoning for choosing this defacement would be its placement within the product life cycle, due to change magnitude and increasing competition, businesses such as Nike Inc permit to constantly refresh and renew their produce, in arrange to maintain customers and as a busin ess become to a great extent appealing and modern/stylish.Therefore, I trust these products fluctuate between growth and Maturity, for example, due to the competition, new boots are brought out every couple of months or year, this serves honest-to-goodness boots, and their predecessors to be regarded as old, boring or out of fashion. Therefore, each boot just now has a selected amount of time, until the next big mode or football boot gets released. Like I menti whizzd before, I recall this product is mainly situated within the growth sector, as each boot only determines a selected amount of time to succeed and become appealing, until the next brand gets released hence, its time to get on and become a cemented item is limited.Brand Sony CorporationSony Corporation, or Sony, is a very successful and popular Japanese multinational corporation that specialises in electronics, game systems and game fun. Sony is one of the atomic number 82 providers of game entertainment in to days society they realize produced some iconic titles/products endureardized the PS1, the PS2, the PS3 and its most upstart addition, the next propagation of console, known as the PS4. These period of play, entertainment systems have transformed and revolutionised the way we play virtual games, and they have in reality made their mark on gadget account statement. Sony is a Japanese business that began in 1946, its name, at the time stood as Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo, however, since 1958, this iconic brand has been referred to as Sony.Product Sony, wreak ship 3The product I will be use during this task will be Sonys, awarding winning creation/product, known as the PS3. I consider this product has been very, very successful, and I think I it will be an angel product to evaluate and analyse. For example, seeing as this sure console is one of few fun entertainment systems to be released in the modern era, the competition is reasonably low, whence, its time during the product life cycle has sustained and gradually evolved into being a product within the Maturity sector. However, due to recent events, a new range of console appeared, formed by the very(prenominal) brand Sony.This new range of gaming console is referred to as, the next generation of gaming entertainment, and this specific console is known as the Sony PS4. This PS4 was released into stores and gaming retailers on such dates as the 15th of November 2013 (for North American Citizens), the 29th of November 2013 (for European Citizens) and 22nd February 2014 (for Asian Citizens) and as of March 2nd 2014, this product has already sold as umpteen units as 6 million cosmopolitan. Because of this, the Sony PS3 will eventually fall into the declining sector within the product life cycle, due to decreasing demand, decreasing popularity and a decrease in advertising and production. This plastered factor is one prominent reason why I have chosen this product to sign within my coursework.Promotio nThe promotional process within a business is where an organisation would advertise a selected product to either inform existing customers of new modifications to their products, or to advertise a new product they have just created and finished. The rules and messages business use when displaying their products are very of import, as it can overall determine the outcome/success of the product. For example, businesses want to sustain and attract new and existing customers by using persuasive and informative promotional materials, and if their promotional schemes do not procure this substantial amount of money can be lost, thence contradictly affecting the business and potentially damaging the business. There are many another(prenominal) forms and ways in which business can promote their products for example advert Through TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, internet Direct selling directly approaching and markinging customers, e.g. public speakers, telesales, door salesmen Di rect Marketing Leaflets, mailshots, emailsPoint-of-sale selling point radicals, free samples, vouchers, offers Incentives dog analogousty cards, bonus points or point systems i.e. these exist on many crisp and cereal selling brands Public Relations Ensuring the organisations name is strong known and grown or maturement publicity. Catchy slogans, and brand label or e.g. sponsorships like Nikes Cristiano Ronaldo sponsorship get laids Sales Promotion special offers, deals, sales to attract customers All these ways are commonly utilize by business in devote to boost the publicity and overall guesswork on their product, as every business needs to achieve a sealed amount of customers, in order to generate profit. As rise as these promotional ideas/methods, businesses also use certain features like AIDA. This stands for (A) loss leader, (I) Interest, (D) Desire, (A) Action. This diagram is used to represent a customers approach to reviewing a product. For example, when se eing a advert that appeals to them, these (potential) future customers will have a mental review of the product, and over a period of time, this AIDA process should lean and take its formation.This is a process in which many businesses follow, in regards to promoting and psychotherapeutic their product/ideas so they can identify what techniques to use, when advertising and promoting their products. For example, firstly comes the Attraction of the product, businesses want to represent their newly formed product as a new revolutionary item that will realize someone in every way, where its needed. Therefore, business will present their item as cool, modern and highly anticipated despite its not even released yet. This is in order to obtain the focus of customers and to gain their heed to their product. The success rate in which businesses do this will determine how many plenty will flavour encouraged to debase your product, an increase of this will overall make headway the business and generate them with increase/grown profits. secondly comes Interest, this is where business aim to achieve the focus and publicity of their product. Because of this, businesses want sight/customers to gain an interest to their product, they want mass to aspect they need and have to purchase it.If a business successes within this stage, this could impact the business in a number of positive ways. For example, an increase amount of mass interest within your product could soused, an increase in profits, and this will most sure social welfare a business. Businesses do this by containing flock within their adverts or promotional materials looking happy with the product, or featuring notable figures in order to promote how stylish a product can be. Like I briefly mentioned, businesses want customers to whole tone the need to have their product, this stage is referred to as the Desire stage, this is where business feature many promotional materials in order to obtai n the attention of customers and make them odor the need to want to subvert and purchase their product. Again businesses can do this through featuring notable figures like Cristiano Ronaldo in order to promote their new product.By doing this, many fans of these famous figures may feel desired into purchasing the product as they go for it as stylish or maybe they just feel loyal to the role model/celebrity who promoted it. Finally features the stage/section known as Action. This the sensible look to this AIDA cycle, for example Action is where the customer/ reviewer will eventually purchase the good and use it/consume it for its pur ticktack. within this cycle, businesses dont really have to do anything more at this stage, the customer has bought their product, all the business can do now is wait and assume the certain client has grown fond of their product, thus potentially forming them into an existing customer/loyal consumer. What are the promotional techniques used by your businesses? Within the two businesses I have chosen, there are sixfold promotional techniques. Within the paragraphs dis contend below, I will present this and eventually abstraction their strengths, helplessnesses, and comparison with competitors and their differences. Nike Inc, Mercurial VaporFor this selected product, I found many promotional schemes, however, I commonly found promotional processes within the advertising side of promotion, and these TV advertisements included famous footballers like Cristiano Ronaldo and Zlatan Ibrahimovi in order to boost the attraction of their product as well as the desirability. For example, some cloak shots/links of the adverts collectedAdvertisementsCristiano Ronaldo https// adopt?v=MWVYwppLPdE https// absorb?v=_mdgTR5ZyDsZlatan Ibrahimovi https// attend?v=pqVk1FHYeFY https// this set of Nike mercantiles, I mentation the real strengt hs and positive aspects had to be the way in which they want pack to perceive their products. For example, within each advert/promotional technique, they indicate how their style of football boot could change the way in which you perform, and how it can alter your abilities. For example, within the Cristiano Ronaldo adverts, it depicts Ronaldo, running through a whole team, easily with such pace, the advert then finished with the simple statement of Be fast. Be Mercurial. This would indicate to customers that their special brand of football boot could enhance their abilities and the way they perform on the football pitch. For many football fans, and aspiring football players, these factors may be very important and this may encourage them to purchase the item as they desire the certain traits these products supposedly provide. This is also a good way of advertising, because when people purchase this variation of football boot, its another way of advertising, however its free.For e xample, potential customers may see other people wearing the denote boots, and this may cause them to feel jealous due to them knowing what the boots supposedly provide trait wise, as well as the fact, their favourite footballer may be the baffle of that certain brand, consequently they could feel further experiences of jealousy. This factor is very important because, in modern day football, the agonisticalness between aspiring players may be extremely high, therefore each player wants/needs a certain factor such as new boots that may pose them with an advantage over everybody else/their opponents. boilers suit this will encourage more people to purchase Nikes product as the certain products may feel increasingly desired, thus potentially increasing their profits and reputation.I also feel strength of these advertisements is the involvement/featuring of worldwide known sports figures like Cristiano Ronaldo and Zlatan Ibrahimovi. galore(postnominal) young people evoke with in sports and football idolize over certain role models like these players, therefore, when these people see the Nike adverts featuring them, they feel cause to purchase the certain piece of sports apparel in a way of supporting their role model. Therefore, Nike can use this to their advantage by exploiting how these players win from their products, and how it will reflect on their customers. For example, many fans and expiring footballers may feel, that wearing the very(prenominal) football boot as Cristiano Ronaldo or Zlatan Ibrahimovi will grant them with their abilities and skill. Because of this, Nikes advertisements can easily attract more customers by featuring these great athletes, thus potentially boosting their profits due to increased attraction and desirability.WeaknessesWithin these adverts, I felt it was very hard to find oneself a significant weakness however, I came to the conclusion of their adverts potentially degrading people. For example, due to the adverts r epresenting how football players could be boosted/enhanced by the certain football boot, certain people who may desire the item, however cant afford it may feel, when they play football, they do not have enough skill or male monarch when on the pitch in comparison to people wearing these advertised boots. Because of this, many people may feel degraded, and they may also feel potentially weaker as a footballer, and this could potentially have a negative effect on Nike due to some people possibly striking depressed about their abilities when being reminded of their products and their brand faces like Ronaldo and Zlatan Ibrahimovi. Therefore, Nike may pain some reductions in customers, therefore a decrease in overall profits.Comparisons with competitorsWhen comparing to competitors, I reckon Nike is probably at the best stage, I believe Nike is at the top of their game. For example, I think the way in which these commercials are conducted, represent these products with style, professionalism, power, speed, agility, and skill, precision. Because of this, I believe Nikes target listening has been expanded for example, due to the professionalism and smart appearance of these products and their commercials, elder customers may also be enticed to purchase the products, as well as young, aspiring players.I also feel Nike made the correct choice when choosing players like Cristiano Ronaldo when advertising their products. For example, over the past couple of years, Ronaldo has accomplished many individual and junction awards and has successfully earned his place as the one of the best, if not the outdo player in the world. Because of this, more people may have been enticed to debase Nikes products, thus potentially booting their profits and overall reputation.Sony, campaign billet 3Again, with this certain product, I found Sony Corporation used many promotional techniques in order to advertise their product, especially within television, posters and billb oards. For exampleLinks https// Long Live Play Michaelhttps// PS3 Baby CommercialStrengthsWithin these Sony, PS3 commercials/promotional material, I found that theses commercials had many aspects about them that were positive. One of these was the engagement to the reference a special individuals that are avid console gamers. For example, within the Long Live Play commercial, a group of gaming characters formed in order to solemnize the background character known as Michael who controlled their stories, as he vie their games. I believe this is a positive effect as certain people may recognise these gaming characters, therefore they already obtain some variation of emotional attachment to them, because of this, more people may be attracted to Sonys products. For example, by seeing characters from certain games they have played may trigger many good memories of these people playing these games when they wer e younger.Because of this, they may feel encouraged to buy the console in order to reassessment on old memories, because of this, and increased amount of people buying Sonys products will nasty, and increased amount of profits, thus make headwayting Sony in a number of ways. other strength could be the suspense during the commercial. For example, the Long Live Play commercial depicts a group of characters speaking and celebrating about this person called Michael, however, customers reflection the commercial dont actually get told who this Michael is and why hes important until the very end. I believe this is a very good promotional technique as this may cause customers having to watch the entire commercial as they are curious to whom Michael is, and by that time, they are drawn in and notified of the brand Sony PS3. This suspense could ideally cause more people to remember the commercial, and overall these factors could increase the amount of people who will buy Sonys products , thus increasing their profits further.WeaknessIn comparison to the Nike commercials, I felt there were more negatives within these certain promotional methods, especially within the first commercial I watch, the PS3 pamper commercial. I feel there were certain negative, such as how dim the promotional method was, for example, I dont feel and cant seem to analyse any form of message or purpose into why Sony depicted a baby doll, glancing at their product and making a series of different noises. If anything I believed this certain commercial was sort of weird, and if I were to watch this commercial, my initial reaction would probably deter me from buying this product,, as I found little about the product itself, and the way I think the commercial was conducted was very strange and dysfunctional. I believe this would overall be a negative effect in regards to Sony. For example, if people are deterred from buying you product, due to your commercial, this could result in trim back sales and in conclusion a decrease in your annual turnover.I also find, within the Long Live Play commercial, if you were new to gaming and insensible of some of the figures within the production, the advert wouldnt really appeal to you, therefore the way Sony aimed to increased sales through this promotional method may not work as well as hoped. For example, how do you expect to connect with some of the characters when youre un aware of their story/history? Ultimately this could affect the turnover and sales created through this product and it could mean less people may purchase Sonys products, thus potentially affecting their profits. However, in relevance to my last point, it could also be comprehend as a positive, for example, if some people are unaware of certain characters, this may leave them questioning their purpose, and why theyre there.Because of this, people unaware of this information may feel the need to purchase a games console and some related game titles in o rder to find empathize why certain characters were within the commercial. Due to this, businesses like Sony who sell gaming systems may receive increased sales due to people new to games, and are searching for a correct platform to play on. Overall this would positively affect Sony as sales may increase, as well as profits, thus benefiting the company economically. In comparison to their competitors I feel Sony dont feel the need to input as very much effort into their advertisements. They seem to focus on sales promotions within discover windows like Game or Game Station. I also feel Sony withdraw from increased advertising as it costs money, and they seem to find leaving their customers without that many details, It might give them an increased pretend in regards to buying the console as the negative effects of the product may be unknown until purchased, this is unspoiled to Sony as again, more sales female horse be generated, thus a potential increase in profits. set Strate gies UsedPricing strategies is another word for the structure, and how businesses decide to sell their goods, and dep polish on these products, the type of value may change.Nike, Mercurial VaporThe first set strategy I think Nike use in regards to this specific product happens to be the strategy known as Promotional Pricing. This is where businesses provide offers, and sales on their certain products. And in Nikes case I believe this is exactly what they do, for example, considering the competition for this variation of product is very high, businesses like Nike have to constantly circulate new products and new Mercurial Football boots, otherwise, their competitors will receive the upper hand and potentially an increase in customers due to less competition and other competitors not releasing new, updated personal credit line. So, businesses like Nike release new stock/products like Mercurial Football boots in order to maintain their customers interest, therefore a majority of their older stock locomote into the category of sales, deals and special offers.For ExampleFor example, Nike neglect down this special type of Mercurial Football boot down from 55.00 to 43.00, a 12.00 expenditure decrease.Nike also follows the determine strategy of footing Skimming. For example, when Nike first releases a new reading of the Nike Mercurial Football boot, the outlay is initially, extremely high. I believe they do this because they know people would pay so much, just to stay up to date and modern in regards to the latest range, I also believe they do this because they know they are going to later decrease the price, therefore they initially sell their products at an extremely high price, just to take advantage of the limited time its going to be that price for to ensure they may generate a major profit per unit, thus potentially increasing their sales and overall increasing their profits.For exampleThe assort shot displayed above represents how much Nike initi ally release their Mercurial Vapor range at, later this price will decrease as new boot ranges will circulate, and this certain style will eventually go decrease in fashion/popularity.Sony, Play Station 3The Sony PS3 has been round for around for around 7 8 years now, therefore the price strategies Sony used may or may not have changed during the products recollective lasting existence. Over that period of time, the Sony PS3 has been altered, re-mastered and perfected, therefore the pricing has obviously had to be changed, and considering the release of the new PS4, the Sony PS3 price has probably fluctuated at an even greater scale. One of the price strategies the Sony PS3 withheld was, Price Skimming. Sony needed and has used this strategy due to the products huge market life. In order to generate and receive the most sales/turnover, Sony needed to keep the price as high as they could until something like the PS4 appeared. For example, since its release, the Sony PS3 has ma intained a price between 400 150, therefore within that 8 year product life bracket, Sony has only cut the pricing down from around 250, and like I mentioned before, Sony did this in order to generate the highest amount of sales/turnover in order to sustain a substantial amount of profit.Sony have also used the pricing strategy known as promotional pricing, for example, since Sony and their consoles involve features such as buyable accessories and games, Sony seem to release the occasional deal which involves a mix of a variety of games, certain gaming related accessories and obviously, the console itself. These deals appeal to many people as they receive the highly anticipated console as well as many other beneficial features. However, businesses like Sony use these added features in order to boost peoples encouragements as they believe the deal is better than it actually is. This is beneficial to the business as it overall could result into increased sales/profits due to deal pri ces and bundles potentially being sold for more than the individual console.This then leads me on to my next and final pricing technique, for example, business use the pricing strategy known as Psychological pricing. This is where businesses sell products at a price to cheat on customers and trick them into thinking its cheaper than what it really amounts to. For example, many businesses sell items ending in 00.99, this is due to it seeming like its much cheaper than the price following it, for example, people feel theyve received a great deal off an item for 19.99 instead of it being 20.00, despite its one penny less, your eyes snitch you and it seems to look like a much smaller number/price. For example, in regards to Sony, their PS3 has been usually sold at a price ending within 00.99 in order to trick and deceive people, thus causation Sony, to generate an increased amount of money, thus boosting sales and potentially enlarging the businesss profit.For exampleAs you can see, this certain retailer has applied this strategy on order to generate a increase within each unit sold. This will overall benefit Sony as more money will be generated within their company, causing them to receive a positive cash flow.PlaceNikeNike is business that specialises within sports apparel and sports related accessories, therefore you will find most Nike goods within common Sports retailers. For example, popular European stores like Sports Direct, JD sports and the Nike shop will go forth these related goods as they are all featured within the analogous business sector Sporting and Leisure activities. These products produced by Nike are supplied within these stores as Nike is a multinational brand, and its becoming increasingly popular, therefore, over the past couple of years, the demand for Nike produce, such as Mercurial Football boots has increased.Because of this, businesses like Sports Direct and JD sports want to sell their goods as Nike will cause them to gener ate increased profits due to increase popularity of Nike products and increasing demand for the certain stock, supplied by Nike. This is beneficial to both stores, for example, Nike will receive money through the selected stores Nike stock sales as a percentage of this money will be generated and transacted to them, as long as Nike provide these businesses with capable and updated stock. The only negative I can picture could be the certain percentage of the money Nike might receive, for example, this percentage may be quite low, and therefore it might actually negatively affect Nike as they may spend more money manufacturing and transporting the goods than what they receive in return.Sony, Play station 3Since Sony and their PS3 is categorized as a gaming entertainment system, the stores that usually sell this product are gaming retailers like, Game, HMV, Game station, and CEX, however, since PS3 became a worldwide product, they have gradually been sold within basic superstores like Tesco, jetty mart, Sainsburys, Morrisons, ASDA and Waitrose. Again, due to the products speculation and overall success, these businesses decided to get in touch with Sony and sell their produce (PS3) as they were certain its success will provide them with increased sales, and overall profits. Many businesses like Tesco also bought the stock in order for more people to enter their stores, fro example, by increased amounts of people entering a Tesco in search for a PS3, they may buy a certain drink or product provided by Tesco, and because of this Tesco and other superstores selling the PS3 may have also generated increased product/stock sales and well as potential increased profits.Much like the positive effect presented above this will also overall benefit Sony, as an increased amount of businesses absent to sell their produce, will mean an increase in funding and overall boost in the finances within the organisation as more money will be externally inserted within the compa ny. The only negative again could possibly be an insufficient amount of money to even for the immense amount of demands from businesses missing to sell Sonys products, however their funding/money should cover it, thus evading this problem and providing Sony with no real negative issue in regards to this problem. measure the marketing techniques used by a selected business NikeAfter evaluating and analysing Nike and their Mercurial Vapor football boots, I have resulted in a conclusion, and have formatted my final opinion, on their way of marketing. I personally believe Nike used very smart and successful marketing strategies, as the popularity of their business represents how they have globally attracted people to their brands, and sports apparel. For example, in regards to their Product, I believe the way theyve dealt with the growing/fast competition really functions well within their business. For example, Nike has adapted and became accustom to bringing out and releasing new p roducts, like football boots every couple of months/year in order to sustain the interest of their customers and target audience. For example, they need to sustain each of their products like the Mercurial Football boots within the growing sector in regards to the product life cycle, until the next brand or style of boot gets released.Without these certain functions, and Nike standardized approach, I doubt the business would be as successful as it has been over the past few years, this certain function has certainly helped Nike achieve success, sales and profits and these are all very beneficial features within an organisation. Due to these factors, I also believe Nike has breached its customers expectations they have released consistent and fashionable products, much like the rapid production and competition of football boots, and they are definitely one of the best within their selected sector of Sports and Leisure apparel/equipment. This is why I believe Nike could be regard ed as one of the best, if not the best football boot producers/retailers within the world, and I believe they are definitely one of the feared businesses, in regards to their competitors like Adidas, Puma, Umbro, Sondico and Warrior.Secondly, I believe Nikes Promotional sector is also very effective, for example, as I mentioned previously, I believe the way Nike advertise and present their products is very professional, stylish and smart in regards to their appearance. And because if this, I believe Nikes target audience is expanded, for example, by appealing to an increased amount of people, Nikes football boot sales may increase, therefore Nike may even result in an increase within profits thus benefiting the business further. I also believe Nike conducted their sponsors very professionally and successfully as well. For example, Nike and their range of football boots obtain sponsorship deals with players like Zlatan Ibrahimovi and the two time Ballon dOr winner Cristiano Ronaldo. I believe these deals have secured Nikes success, for example, due to players like Ronaldo promoting their produce, an increase amount of people have been encouraged to buy their products, like the Mercurial football boots thus boosting their sales, revenue and overall, profits. Again, in comparison to their competitors, I believe Nike are the best in their business sector.For example, the way theyve conducted each commercial, poster or other promotional source, they do it with certain features that I feel provides them with an edge in regards to attracting and generated desiring customers. Within Nike, I feel their pricing strategies were extremely good / beneficial to the organisation, and I believe, there isnt any other form of strategy that I would follow, in terms of generating sales, and lastly profits. For example, I believe the strategies they used were very good, in regards to their products, and how it will function with their target audience/customers. For example, on e of the pricing strategies they used was, promotional pricing, this is where business sell their goods by offering certain deals and sales and cutting down the price in order to attract and generate an increased amount of customers.I believe it was convenient for a business like Nike to use this certain strategy, as the football boot market is very competitive, and new boots will have to be released every couple of months/ year. Because of this, its only right if they cut down the price on their other goods by introducing sales, offers and other forms of promotional pricing, in order to attract more customers, and potentially increase sales/profits. Another form of Promotional pricing that Nike conduct is the strategy known as Price skimming. This is where businesses initially release their item at a very high price however, as it progresses through the product life cycle, this price tends to decrease in order to benefit the business and customers by producing potentially more sales, thus more profits, as well as a cheaper price, therefore increasingly affordable. Again in Nikes case, this is mainly due to the strong, competitive market. For example, new products like Mercurial football boots will have to be released, therefore the stock referred to as the old stock will slowly come down in price as new products and goods get released.This will benefit Nike as the cheaper prices could attract more customers, because of this, Nike could face an overall sales increase, and this sales increase could eventually lead to the increase in Nikes profits. Nike could improve the sales of this by promoting these reductions in such things as Television Adverts or posters, combined with popular retail stores such as Sports Direct. By promoting these reduced offers, more people within their target audience may feel interested to purchase their products, due to this Nikes sales and overall profit may lead to an increase. Within these advertisements further deals with pop ular sports personalities such as Cristiano Ronaldo could take place further promoting these reduced products, ultimately prima(p) to more people having a desire or wanting for these items, resulting in an increase in Nikes sales and profits. I believe the way Nike sells their produce, like their Mercurial Vapors is very convenient and beneficial to the organisation.Therefore I believe these certain pricing strategies are very effective and this specific range of marketing techniques are very successful in terms of generating the business with increased sales and overall increased profits. Nike has overcome their competitors by formulating certain schemes to override their opponents and receive increased customers, sales and profits. Like I mentioned previously, to strengthen this, Nike could promote their discounted and reduced prices even more. For example, since a new style or variation of their products such as Football boots are renewed monthly in order to maintain a contr olling position within the Market, a vast amount of their old products are slightly forgotten about in regards to customers and their target audience. Therefore I think it would be highly beneficial to Nike if they compensated more for the promotion of their older products with reduced prices as it could overall increase the sales of their business, and ultimately lead to increase publicity.More people would be interested to purchase these promoted items with reduced prices, creating a larger attraction to the Company (Nike) and its products, either new or old. Further promotional materials with sports personalities would also help change integrity their position, as certain sporting figures may attract a larger audience to their business, increasing the publicity and knowledge of their products this would be highly beneficial to Nike as it may result in increased sales, ultimately leading to an increase within profits, further benefiting the organisation. However, if I had to mak e one improvement I would say the pace at which the company skims the prices off its products. For example, many times I have been looking at popular football boots and noticed how the prices are extraordinarily high.For example, popular football boots promoted by famous athletes sometimes cost over 200. For children, and sometimes adults, this type of money to compensate is nearly impossible, or considered a waste. This high price may result in push factors for people in search for the adequate to(predicate) balance I regards to sporting goods such as football boots, people will look for price, fitting and appearance and if the price is high, it may deter people from purchasing it, ultimately reducing Nikes sales, potentially leading to a decrease in profits. By increasing the rate at which these products are reduced, and shortening the period they are sold at a very high price for, more people may be attracted to buying and using the product, thus promoting the businesss content furthermore, and ultimately leading to an increase in profits due to increased customers and sales.Lastly, within the marketing sector, comes the section known as Place. This basically refers to where the products are actually sold. For example, for Nike this is the common sports retailers like Sports Direct, JD sports and more. This encourages greater sales as the product is wide available. For example, it would be common to provide businesses who have generated success, prior to you letting them sell your specific items. Therefore, it was only beneficial for businesses like Nike to sell their good to businesses like Sports Direct who are very successful and have generated an array of customers in search for products like Nikes Mercurial football boots. This will benefit them as the businesss success could potentially mean, more people might purchase Nikes products, like their Mercurial Vapors, therefore Nike would benefit as they could potentially result in an increase within profits, and sales.Another way Nike may be able to improve the promotion and success of their sporting related goods could be the increase in personal customization, for example, many people buy and purchase products such as football boots to stand out within their selected sport, by allowing your customers to personalize a product, catered to their wants and desires will enable an increased level of individuality. For example, this customisation technique may allow people to feature their own personal initials and colour combinations on their selected Nike products. Also, this certain function should not only be introduced via the internet, but also via located outlets. This would enable people and customers to receive a visual on how their selected product would appear. Certain physical features such as a wider Nike product customisation would potentially lead an increased amount of customers, for example, like I mentioned previously, within their selected sports, people want to stand out, in order to attract attention or an increased chance of remembrance.Therefore, by allowing people to customize their personal products whether it is tops, shoes, boots, shorts or even tennis rackets, a wider audience may be attracted. Ultimately this may increase Nikes sales, leading to an increase in their overall profits. The only recommendation for Nike, in my opinion would be if they were to provide more promotional pricing methods in order to prevent certain items falling into a decline, for example, due to the high competition within the market in regards to football boots, they have to release new boots, every couple of months, therefore the older boots decline in price and popularity quickly. In order to prevent this, I think Nike should increase the amounts of offers within their football boot range this will potentially increase sales and even boost profits as an increased amount of people would be encouraged to purchase Nikes products due to the falling/che aper prices. Again this will benefit the business as more money could be generated, and this could possibly mean Nike may sell more, thus increasing their overall sales.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Quasar Computers and Different Market Structures
Quasar monopolized the commercialise with the universe of an all- visual imputer known as Neutron. Patents promote innovation for inventors, which allow exclusive rights to do business for a specific duration (McConnell, Bruce, &038 Flynn 2009). A patent for this overbold technology allowed Quasar to experience growth in revenues by compass the price as the only provider of an all-optical calculating machine. Quasar established that peripheral cost and marginal revenue were equal when selling apiece Neutron computer at $2,550 with quantities sold was at 5. Units. This helped Quasar determine the need for maximizing future profits to stay competitive with cost reductions in production. Oligopoly In 2006, Quasar was in an oligopolies grocery store because they were already competing with hunting watch Technologies, a go with that recently introduced their own optical notebook computers. During this time of competition, Quasar and huntsman mutually stabilized the price for not ebooks and both were generating profits.As Orion Technology introduced their optical computer to market which resulted In a 50% consumption, Quasar mulish that the price of the computer would drop to $1850, creating a profit of $207 and revenues equally $1195 million. Although Orion did make a dent in the optical computer labor they were not able to capitalize on the market. Despite the fact that they were memory the other 50%, they lost profits even though the revenues were eq to Quasars. Monopolistic Competition In 2010, Quasar was facing more challenges because of the intermixture of computer models introduced by other new companies.They were in a monopolistic competition, and Quasar thought of another strategy to keep differentiated from their competitors. They allocated a budget of $200 million to invest in note development. Because of that cere was born, another variation of the optical notebook. Ceres was specifically designed for a new end user, thus distinguishing its elf from the Neutron. In a monopolistic competition, brand development Is vital for maximizing profit higher price for their shining quality products (Fischer, Violence, &038 Settler, 2010). Pure Competition The final market was the perfect competition.Quasar is salutary established in the market in 2012. Quasar has obtained controlling interests in Optic for optical display screens (ODDS) technology. The competitive edge with Optic entrust increase revenues but allow require continued innovation to repress the profit loss. Using a similar strategy that Quasar utilise in 2005, profits can be maximized by lowering the cost of production. Because Optic operates in a pure competition market, revenue will increase but eventually the competitors will copy Opticians example confine the economic edge to a short period.Conclusion In each market structure, Quasar made choices that were unique in the structures to maximize profits for each market. The choices made in a monopoly are dif ferent from the decisions that needed to be made in other structures. The simulation allowed the opportunity to see how market structure decisions impacted the overall profitability of Quasar over a span of several years. Our findings produced the best exults for Quasar under each organisational change occurring over a span of a few years.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Buddhism vs. Hinduism
Both Buddhism and Hinduism argon widely salutary religious beliefs of the mankind. No maven is completely certain of where Hinduism was started and by whom it was led. However, today Hinduism is the one-third largest organized religion of the world. And with the passage of time mevery changes and alterations have been made in this religion. Most importantly, Hinduism includes many different beliefs and dominations that have arisen. Even though thither are many common things exist in different Hinduism sects and their beliefs are tied to some extents.The Vedas is considered the oldest written document of Hinduism and it was being written in 1000 B. C but had existed orally long before. On the another(prenominal) hand, Buddhism is a transformed version of Hinduism. Buddhism was founded by Gautama the Buddha. Buddhism is known for its Middle trend that which neither promotes extreme asceticism nor absolute hedonism yet still leads to nirvana. In addition, the Buddha promoted the 8 fold path, that of secure thinking, right effort, right speech, right of understanding, right of livelihood, right of concentration and right of mindfulness.Though the Buddhism or the middle path reject the fantasy of and external God waiting to mete honour or punishment, besides, it strongly believed in the cycle of reincarnation finishing which a searcher could achieve nirvana, the ultimate en imperfectenment. Both Hinduism and Buddhism arose in S push doneh Asia, and thus al-Qaeda from a similar culture and philosophy. Difference betwixt Buddhism and Hinduism Buddhism believes in individual and matter and there is no place for God, besides this Hinduism considers God as the creator of the universe.In contrast, Buddhism denies the Vedas authority and dislikes animal sacrifice, while Hinduism believes in the authority of Vedas and attaches special signifi preservece to the Vedic rituals. Buddhism does not believe in the superiority of the Brahmans or any circle distinct ions, while Hinduism puts emphasis on the caste system and considers the same bed rock of the whole salubrious-disposed system. Buddhism is missionary religion which aims at converting entire mankind to the doctrines of Buddha while Hinduism never seeks converts and it has no distinct organization like the Buddhist sangha.A personal element is introduced by Buddhism in the form of Buddha as the saviours, while there are no such(prenominal) personal elements in Hinduism. (Nerox, pg, 1) On matters of brotherly structure Hinduism and Buddhism differ greatly. The deuce religions in like manner distinguish because Buddhism emphasizes and Hinduism omits individual freedom to progress socially and spiritually in the current life. In comparing the two religions, one bay window easily find why it is that Hinduism has showed the more stable and Buddhism the more humanist philosophy.The caste system is the come outstanding instance of Hinduisms establishment tendencies. If casting amo ng Hindus sects they flowerpot be divided into tetrad major classes, Shudra, Brahman, Vaishya and Kshatriya, or people foreign of all the classes. However members belong to different castes have different duties. In Hinduism usually the Caste is obstinate by birth, and it does not allowing individual freedom, social advancement and career choice. Moreover, the castes are socially ranked, forming an upper as considerably as lower social division.Caste, then, determines ones potential education, ones profession, ones social position, even define these limitations for your children. These social restrictions are reinforced by the idea that caste is determined by sins or virtues in a previous life how well one satisfied his dharma in the past. In addition, the responsibilities of ones current caste also constitute the dharma which depart further punish or advance one in your next life. Put differently, exceeding ones dharma in not notwithstanding unnecessary, but likely will hur t your dharma, causing you to fall into a lower caste in your next life.This intertwining of social strata with religion creates a fatalism derived from inevitable destiny, guilt complexes of past life caste determination, a philosophy of acceptance, and fear of punishment for transcending ones dharma. In this light, Hinduism becomes a tremendous force for stagnation, eliminating the foremost for progress in a philosophy of acceptance which breeds apathy for social justice. Such a pervasive philosophy becomes an asset to the status quo and notion stratum, stabilizing the social structure at the expense of individuals.(Hinduism and Buddhism a comparison) In contrast, in the social or political structure of a parliamentary procedure Buddhism plays little role. Buddhism in reality began as a reaction to the fury of Hindu society, including the viciousness of the caste system. Buddhism focuses not on the society, but on every single person, hence divorcing religion from the interest s of the ruling stratum. Even though the Buddhism does see life as pain and suffering and renascence as a renewal of this suffering, there is a possible escape.If one resigns his appurtenance to hope and self, Nirvana, or escape from the cycles of suffering, is not impossible. The most significant position of Nirvana, nevertheless, is its unobstructed access to people of any social background. Put differently, although a Hindu untouchable cannot perhaps advance in this life with any extraordinary attempt of his own. In this regard, any Buddhist can attain Nirvana through the 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, realizations of the essence(p) of suffering and the methods to remove all suffering.A significant indicator of the contrast between Buddhism and Hinduism arises in their historical relationship. Buddhism, naturally, arose as a reform movement out of Hinduism. This in itself inclines to put Buddhism in a more convinced light as the religion that incorporated Hindu belief s while excluding the veto aspects of Hinduism. Certainly, this turns out to be the case when the caste system can be study thoroughly. While Hinduism not only perpetuates, but is itself the caste system, Buddhism absolutely rejects any system of caste.During the rule of Ashoka Buddhism in reality reached high levels of support, which followed the Buddhist concept of ahimsa, or non violence, and its tendency toward greater equality. The keen looks of a philosophy/religion of peace and general freedom, including a refusal of the social stigmas of caste for untouchables and lower caste members, brought thousands of converts. Again, nevertheless, the historical relationship of Buddhism and Hinduism depicts the inherent malleability and intensity of Hinduism.Furthermore, the Buddha was made an embodiment of Vishnu in order to incorporate the Buddhist movement into Hinduism. The Buddhists consider the world to be full of sorrow and regard ending the sorrow as the chief aim of human li fe. The Hindus consider that there are four chief aims (arthas) in life which every being should pursue. They are dharma (religious duty), artha (wealth or material possessions), kama (desires and passions) and moksha (salvation. ) (Hinduism vs Buddhism Hinduism and Buddhism Compared) ConclusionThe two Buddhism and Hinduism religions are very alike, and yet very different. They accomplish for an inner peace and at last to reach heaven through either moksha or nirvana. Culture plays a tremendous role in determining your beliefs. Both Hinduism and Buddhism religions seem to have components which would do the West good to learn, but only Buddhism religion lacks any large scale negative repercussions for its followers. Furthermore, Hinduism and Buddhism are two major religions, firmly planted in their cultures, and It looks that they will remain for a long time to come.Works Cited Hinduism and Buddhism a comparison http//sc. essortment. com/hinduismandbud_rtqs. htm Accessed, June 15, 2 007 Hinduism vs Buddhism Hinduism and Buddhism Compared http//www. experiencefestival. com/a/Hinduism_vs_Buddhism/id/54137 Accessed, June 15, 2007 Nerox (11 May 2007), Journal expression What are the similarities and differences between Buddhism and Hinduism, (page, 1) White, Sharon. (n. d. ), Journal Article Buddhism and Hinduism Differences and Similarities, (page, 1)
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
In the Time of the Butterflies Essay
Courage is valued among the characters, and they display it in varying amounts. Among altogether the sisters Minerva specifys the close courage. First she starts off by wanting to be a justnessyer and she is not frightened of speaking her mind. She goes to a embarkwork forcet educate where she meets a fille who is against Trujillo and learns how bad Trujillo re onlyy is. This is when she begins to start acting rebellious. 1 time she is older, Minervas family is invited to a splity at Trujillos palace where she does things that most people would never even dare to think of doing.Minerva plays a gritty with Trujillo which she wins and gets her father released from arrest and gets her into natural law school. In law school, she joins a radical that is speaking out against Trujillo. A lot of courage is needed to flesh out the tasks that Minerva completed and with these tasks she developed a love-hate relationship with Trujillo do approximately of the tasks easier to compl ete. In the end ternary out of the four sister have a lot courage and reach a symbol for many people. The three sisters are killed, merely by who they were killed is very controversial.The sisters are all apprised of their cowardice as they perceive it, and while they sometimes fight for courage, in some cases they simply accept their cowardice, except for Minerva who shows courage at all times. Growing up Minerva was almost the put upst out of all the sisters. She was not afraid to speak her mind, even if they might be spies around. She would say things intimately Trujillo that would check everyone jump and ask if she was trying to get everyone killed. She always precious to be free and make a difference in the world.Government and regime were not a fall out for women. A womans place was to follow her husband and be loyal to her husband. Minerva, on the other hand, wanted to be a lawyer. In reply, her mother comments, Just what we need, skirts in the law Minerva argues, however, It is just what this country needs Its about time we women had a voice in running our country. Her sisters had always worried about Minerva and her courage because politics were dirty business and someone was always getting killed because they tell the wrong thing and made Trujillo unhappy.Minerva did not gondolae about the risks about cosmos a woman in politics, she cared about equality and making a difference in the Dominican Republic. She thought she would get some freedom if she left sign and went to a boarding school and thats exactly what she did. In the boarding school, Minerva met a girl whose family was killed by Trujillo and she dead hated him for that. This girl told Minerva about all the terrible things that Trujillo has done and this is when Minerva starts schooling more about Trujillo. This is similarly when you start seeing Minerva start fitting rebellious.This is shown when on that meridian is a class overtaking on, however Minerva is not the re instead she is on a balcony above the class talking to the girl who told her about Trujillo. This boarding school is also where she meets Trujillo for the first time and also shows bravery here. The school is performing a play for Trujillo when Minervas helper lifts her arrow and points it at Trujillo. Minerva risks herself to stop her friend from shooting the arrow. It was a dwarfish act of courage, but its the small acts that lead to the greater ones.Once Minerva graduates from boarding school and returns home, shortly after the family receives a party invitation from Trujillo. Once inside(a) the castle, Minerva gets seated at a special table which was a involve from Trujillo and once Trujillo arrives in the ballroom where the party is creation held, he asks Minerva to dance. piece dancing, Trujillo tells her how he never forgot her from the boarding school and how he thinks that she is very beautiful. Trujillo slowly moves his hands pop her back and onto her buttocks an d that is when she backs up and slaps him.No one would ever dare slap Trujillo, even after an act same(p) this. This is a great act of disgrace and Minerva was very brave for stand her ground and slapping him. Everyone smacked down on her with shock for what she did and her family was very mad and scared and left immediately. Her family was very mad because slapping Trujillo could get the building block family killed because that was an act of rebellion. Minerva explains to her family that she did not slap him as a sign of rebellion, but because he moved(p) her buttocks making her very uncomfortable.The family then was not as mad, but they were still very worried to what was going to happen to them. At this point of the movie, Minerva is still the one with the most courage while the rest of the family is accept their cowardice. It took a lot of courage for Minerva to slap Trujillo in such a public place and at his own party. She knew there would be consequences to this, but sh e was still not afraid. presently after the party soldiers came to the Mirabel household expression for the father. They said they were taking him in for quest oning, but everyone knew that he was being arrested and they did not know when they would see him again. Once the soldiers left, Minerva smashed the picture of Trujillo that was hung in their house because of her anger. This is another act of courage because if there are spies around they can come in and take Minerva away and kill her for doing that. other act of courage is when Minerva goes to the castle of Trujillo to talk to him about releasing her father. Trujillo came up with a game that they would play.They had to roll dice and who ever got the higher name won. The deal they made was if he won her father would not be released, but if she won the father would be released and she would be allowed to go to law school. Women were not allowed to go to law school in the Dominican Republic, so asking Trujillo to let her at tend was another act of courage. Minerva ended up winning and Trujillo break the deal that he made with Minerva. The father was released and Minerva briefly left to law school. At this point of the movie, Minervas sister began to show courage too.In law school, Minerva joins a group that goes against Trujillo and comes up with diametric plans and ideas to rebel against him, for example hanging up posters around town. One mean solar day one of Minervas sisters runs away from home and comes to Minerva. This is brave because women were needed at home and it was dangerous for them to travel by themselves. alike leaving home with not telling anyone would leave the parents worrying about their daughter. Minerva tells her sister to go home because its a bad time and not a place for her sister to be, trying to protect her.Leaving her sister met a guy who was part of the rebellious group and he got her to be in it as well. Now this is sister is being brave because now she is going agains t Trujillo as well putting the family in even more danger. Soon the third sister is also in the group and the three sisters become the leaders of this group. They become known as, Las Mariposas. The group is soon caught and everyone in it is arrested. When the sisters look out a small hole in the wall, they see a flag with butterflies on it, representing them and this gives them more hope.Soon the sisters are released from jail by Trujillo. When Minerva arrives at home, Trujillo is there waiting for her. He tells her that she has a lot of courage because everytime he does something nice for her because he likes her, she instead turns her back and does something back and is not afraid to pay the consequences. She then asks Trujillo to release hers and her sisters husbands from jail and Trujillo says he will.The sisters go visit their husbands and give them the good news, but on the way there they get stopped by soldiers. They get taken out of the car and into the cornfields where he y get slaughtered. This ending is very controversial because it was a group of men that killed them, but after all their courage and everything they did for the country, who would want to harm them? Also could have Trujillo ordered their death even if he loved Minerva and did everything she asked for? This part of the story may never be known. The movie begins with only Minerva being the brave one, but ends with three out of four sisters being the brave ones and fighting for what they believed was right. The sisters stopped accepting their cowardice and displayed their courage.As she was being marched down the hall, a voice from one of the cells called out,Mariposa does not belong to herself alone. She belongs to Quisqueya Then everyone was whipstitching on the bars calling out, Viva La Mariposa tears came to my eyes. Something big and powerful spread its wings inside me. Courage, I told myself. And this time, I felt it. This is a quote from the movie and book that shows that alt hough Minerva has been courageous the whole time, she did not feel it until she was leaving the jail. Everything that Minerva did in her lifetime, built her courage up and made her stronger each time.
Marketing and Unilever
(Case Study) analytic thinking of pouffe Vietnam EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unilever is a fully transnational corporation with operating companies and meansies scattering just around the cosmos, and manufacture provenders, beverages, cleansing agents and personal c atomic deem 18 reapings. Unilever owns to a greater extent than 400 checks al unmatched its 13 billion-dollar cross offs legislate somely into ii categories Food and Beverage, and Home and Personal Cargon. Unilever started its operation in Vietnam in 1995.Since then, Unilever Vietnam (UVN) has achieved a watertight and quick yield, and extinguishd to go bad the grocery originplace authorizeer in s considerably-nigh each replace-sector it has entered in spite of facing lashings of harsh argument, especi wholly in either(prenominal)y in a country where investment is angstromle, emergent not yet domestic competitors tho as rise attracting coarse irrelevant ones much(prenominal) as Nestle or PepsiCo. This paper, based on junior-grade research, is composed with the aim of presenting an e precisewhereview of Unilevers activities in Vietnam through the breeding of its under demeanor commercialise, merchandising environment, nodes, competitors, and severaliseicularly brand and prep ar analysis.We would mainly use up teething ring-the stuff s a good deal ivth dimensionser into management. In brief, around(prenominal) of its strength argon secured financial background and intelligent pricing and uplifted adaptability. It in addition has weaknesses much(prenominal) as prob sufficient misperception. And purge though UVN has to face harsh competition and separate threats that pose a hazard, it in any case back end take proceedss of opport unit of measurementies standardised the domestic f argon food grocery storeplace place having evolved often. From the analysis, we direct several suggestions for the partnerships packaging strategies such as charge going with public campaigns.COMPANY analysis Mission Statement Unilever is a multinational melody that owns more than than of the worlds consumer point of intersection brands in f atomic number 18s, beverage, devil clean agents and personal c be proceedss. Since the commencement of Unilevers operation in Vietnam in 1995, Unilever Vietnam has achievementfully provoken to become a conduct- steady moving consumer goods conjunction in the topical anaesthetic market. Guided by the mission To add vitality to smell, the fellowship has diligently fulfilled its commitment to raising the quality of behavior for battalion anywhere through the rovision of its branded results and go. Ein truth ware short letter is originated and substantial perfectly in tune with the overall mission. Knorr, for instance, the leader in Vietnams granule market with total circumstances of more than than 70%, in the beginning founded on the belief that Good aliment matters s ince it adds untold plea confident(predicate) to our lives. Or relief, which has been ranked the human activity 1 fabric conditioner in Vietnam with more than 55% of market share since 1999, lets pot Do the little extra thing for the one you savor.Or Lifebuoy, a market leader in e rattling Asiatic market where it is change, has do its goal clear is to provide cheap and accessible hygiene and health solutions for every person. Be places shape on its produceion to provide the go forthstrip for pile, Unilever Vietnam is in any case actively involved in companionable activities to financial aid raise the living standards and improving the salubrious-being for Viet denominationse nation. It has contri plainlyed more than VND 200 billion to the society through a child care range of projects such as P/S protects Vietnamese Smiles broadcast, For B recompense Eyes of Children, and Pride of Ha Long. participation Objectives In accordance with the mission statement, the gild pay offs up its incarnate objectives guiding the present and future tense development of the fraternity over the nigh 12 months as follows further share and invoke volume profitably crosswise categories and countries. Offer a broad portfolio of brands that appeal to consumers with different postulate and bud hold ups. Leverage technology to bring forth bigger, pause innovation platforms that testament be rolled out sudden to multiple markets. Enhance and broaden relationship with guests.Brand analysis 1, Brand s immature carrying into body process Brand is the most burning(prenominal) component to hold victory for a troupe, so its necessary for marketers to realize the brands authentic performance in the market and from that develop hold marketing strategies for improvement by victimization mathematical growth manners-cycle (PLC) stages, a profitable framework for describing how carrefours and markets work. in that location are five main stag es namely result organic evolution, Introduction, exploitation, Maturity and Decline.Product development and Introduction refer to the period of launching goods and services while Decline is when the caller-out stops expanding and spending on the product and develop an different(a) impudentlyly one instead. In the case of pacifier, it ignore be said that they are in the period of rapid market acceptance and gross gross taxation result (the step-up stage). Caring for your dress is essential as it allows you wager good and feel good. Understanding this, in 1999 securities exertion Leader of Unilever Viet Nam launched Comfort with the aim of make customers feel cared for everyday by bringing oftness and longlasting cleanness to their c bandhes . Immediately, Comfort has long been winning the love and loyalty of consumers with more than 55% market share and become the number one fabric conditioner in Vietnam. These are the evidences to realize the fact that Unileve r Viet Nam has been developing very good marketing strategies for their brand-Comfort. 2, Current marketing system for the brand Unilever Company has been implementing the international marketing strategies in Viet Nam market pursuance marketing Mix 4Ps framework. , Place Comfort has been distri justed over the country, with over 100,000 places, which makes a pleasant access for customers and any suppliers. Nowadays, when the transportation becomes more advanced with different kinds of vehicles, it is easier for Unilever Viet Nam to assign the product to customers in different areas and regions. 2, Product In terms of quality, Comfort not hardly delivers exceptional softness to clothes, and it overly offers a variety of well-loved fragrancys. Some of which are Lily, Huong Ban Mai, rose scent and so on Fragrance Angels are the icons for Comforts durable fragrances.With the desire to meet the changing take aims of consumers, Comfort keeps innovating and introducing brac ing products to the market. Not only offering softness and long-lasting freshness, only when Comfort in like manner introduces extra benefits of the products. Comfort White, the only fabrics conditioner endorsed by the Dermatology Institute of Vietnam that is safe for sensitive strip, is the top hat choice to protect the skin and make clothes very soft, which is very suitable for babys clothes. Active Confident with tea tree oil extract protects the clothes from malodor and keeps customers feeling fresh and active the integral day long.The latest innovation on the February 2006 is Comfort Thom Lau Huong Ban Mai ( unfor grownup Concentrate) with fragrance capsules which protect the odourise and only releases it during wearing. These innovations a urinate reinforce the long-lasting benefit of Comfort Blue in the fabric conditioner market. 3, Promotion The main promotion dodging governing body of Comfort is Above the Line. Above-the-Line is the promotion activities for product on TV, magazines to announce, diverge and re drumhead customers intimately their products, especially at the beginning of each or new product launched .Some promotion programs are made most often on TV to make customers to be aware of the product like Comfort wedding, Comfort big day, Comfort spring breeze Since run into 2005, a grotesque and creative idea for advert and activation has been introduced fragrance angel. With the fragrance angel, the fragrance is symbolized by an imaginary character which visualizes very well how the fragrance of Comfort works on fabric. The image varies according to its drive to illustrate the function and component of Comfort Angel with tea flip shield, Angel that hugs the fabric, Angel with schoolbag, Angel with the fan, Angel with sunglasses.The fragrance angel is the unique accountability-hand(a)ty of the Comfort brand in Vietnam. It has been loved and adored by many people, especially children. In November 2005 promotion, thousands of f ragrance angel dolls grant been presumptuousness as unique and lovable souvenirs to consumers of Comfort. In additions, Unilever also held many programs at markets and superiormarkets like Kham pha 14 ngay thom lau Campaign on 15/03/2006 Thu thach 1 local area ne 2rk xa cua Comfort on 14/04/2008 with the aspire of seting the brand name as well as the product quality.Unilever Vietnam is also well acknowledge for its active shares to well-disposed and community programs crossship butt jointal Vietnam, which has helped to improve life for millions of people in Vietnam. In April 2005, Unilever Vietnam was watched by the President of the State the punt Rank Labor Medal for its excellent business performance and contribution to the socio-economic development of Vietnam, being one of the premier multinational companies awarded with such honor by the State and Government of Vietnam.Due to these direct, on clock meter and appropriate promotion campaigns, the brand nameComfort h as been bulkyly acknowledge in Vietnamese market, not only bringing benefits for Unilever Vietnam but creating a good brand image fro Comfort on consumers as well. 4, Price Recognizing that 80% of Vietnamese consumers live in the countryside with low income, Unilever Viet Nam has been developing the monetary value outline, reducing the producing equals, charging appropriate outlay on consumers. The conjunction has based on the small rural enterprises to find the local materials instead of importing. This helps the participation reduce the producing costs and pay fewerer tariffs.Furthermore, the fraternity also distributes the producing places at three main factories, in the north, the middle and the sulphur of Viet Nam to trim down transportation expenses and land cost. Unilever also follows the finance support policy, helping rural enterprises advance their equipments, transfer technology, hold the training programs, etcetera With all actions the order has been doing, U nilever Viet Nam has demonstrated its talent of trouble in whole the needs and wants of customers and raising the market share of Comfort in a competitive environment like Vietnamese market in current days.COMPETITOR ANALYSIS Competition is inevitable for every business in every market. Its apparent that the confederation must cope with legion(predicate) effectual and relent little competitors such as Bestfoods Coca-Cola Colgate-Palmolive Kraft Foods, Inc. LOreal PepsiCo. Nestle S. A. Procter venture and the numerate continues to go on. Unilever has managed to become a leading company in almost every sub-sector it has entered despite harsh competition in Vietnam, a thriving market that not only raising domestic rivalries but also big and wellknow foreign ones.though it has dominated with lots of products in different kinds, this analysis would take a case of Comfort in especial(a). In detergents application, Comfort has become the pride of Unilever, maintaining its 1st position in Vietnam with more than 55% of market share since 1999. However, as soon as Comfort made its appearance cognise in the market, it has also begun its struggle against an different(prenominal)wise competitors. The strongest one of all is pubescent, the product of Proctor Gamble stem. Downy was launched mightily field by and by Comfort was introduced to the market.It rear end be said that the number of campaigns and commercials ads poured into the two products from two sides find been as effective and attracted tending. That might partly excuse the market share between of the two has been in a intimately match. Firstly, the two products are produced by two both well-known companies, which give the sack somewhat assure their explore in customers view. then, the quality could also secure consumers with their position as worldwide brands plus the diversification of the product lines gives customers numerous choices to choose.Also, advertisements of Downy and Comfort defy been skillfully customized to attract attention and constitute certain value to consumers. From the introduction stage up to now, customers have been opened to a handful of advertisements of both companies. When Comfort launches Comfort with lastingfragrance, Downy at present offers this kind as well. Comfort creates a beautiful image of a little angel protecting the fragrance of clothes to illustrate its Comfort FragranceAngel. Downy competes with Downy Incense Flowers, creating a demonstration through a flower field everlastingly presented in clothes.Comfort introduces Comfort 1- measure Downy also has Downy 1-time Comfort comes up with Comfort anti-mosquitoes, Downy provides Downy anti-bacteria. twain of them make campaigns to market for their product. About the price, Downys price is high than Comforts one in general. In pack-shape, price for a pack of Downy is 2000VND, whilst a pack of Comfort costs 1500VND. In recent months, the battle has become fierce wh en Unilever has launched a promotion apply two eye-catching characters Andy and Lili and seem to gain attraction from consumers. From this commercial, Unilever gain the higher(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) revenue.While Unilever invest so much on this commercial, PG is static quite silent. Whether PG is be afterning a state-of-the-art Downy ever with outstanding functions and best-ever components or nurturing a win-a counseling dodge? Time leave behind give the answer and the rivalry between the two promises to be a prolonging harsh and unforgiving one. However, at this superman, it appears that Comfort is gaining the upper hand over Downy. The positioning of Comfort in Vietnam and its biggest competitor, Downy, can be illustrated through the following map Quality ilever Project plan INTRODUCTION There are many kinds of business everywhere where thither are many issues related to to the growth of the company and Different strategies result enable different companies to derive those goals. Unilever is a company started in 1930 formed of Dutch Margarine Company and British based lever br early(a)s. Unilever holds a wide range of products which accept food, personal care, beverages, canned foods, ice choices and many more which are worlds best consumer brands.The case field of operation describes a lot of information regarding Unilevers business strategies, discern elements of Unilevers style to growth, how they rejuvenated and stayructured the companies bleak moving performance to wide range of brands across the world. BRIEF CASE film Unilever was created in 1930 as an way out of nuclear fusion with dual chairpersons and headquarters one in Netherlands and other in Unites Kingdom. This is of one the behemoth and best competitors in the labor which holds wide range of products. The two chairpersons have launched a dodge in early 2000 to recover the companys performance which was said to be wantluster.With the new strategies the company showed a significant prevail up and has gone through many plenitudeings over the next days, this made the company to open 20 new skills worldwide and development the gross revenue of the company. Thus the companys business was re coordinated, renovated and amend through its acquisitions. Then their came companies likes nestle which effecting the growth of Unilever. Unilever then started efforts to attract and motivate young, bright and innovative managers from away its company. line 1 SWOT A planning technique which is used for summarizing the make out issues and evaluates the Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O) and Threats (T) in any business is called an SWOT analysis. Analysis is the brief study of any case how they are going to be obtained, who are amenable for cavictimization it and solving it by planning which involves internal and immaterial factors of a business or an composition internal factors are classified as strengths(S) or weaknesses (W) an d external factors are classified as Opportunities (O) or Threats (T).Strengths are those characteristics of a person or a company that are utilitarian to achieve the goals. Weaknesses are the characteristics of a person or a company that is destructive to achieve the objective. Opportunities and threats are the external factors that are helpful in achieving and damaging the business performance respectively. ? let word1 Illustrative diagram of SWOT Analysis http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/SWOT_analysis The figure1 show the illustrative diagram of SWOT analysis.The internal factors accommodate personal, finance, manufacturing capabilities, etc and the external factors may include scientific changes which may causal agent changes in products and cognitive swear outes that is inventing a new product or do the product wear out which include quality of the product and the consumer desire, market influences delinquent to unemployment rates effect the company and price factors is one of the weighty thing to keep in mind , market place is one more thing which is very Copernican that is the company or a business should be located in a convenient environment to the consumers to attract and the product should be substance abuser friendly.Another primal factor is that its external appearance the packing and the name of the products should be eye catchy. At last he customer relations should be friendly and consumer satisfaction is very necessary. Other than these thither are some more factors which may be changing due to economic and social factors and competitive positions which may create new opportunities or threats. SWOT analysis is useful in decision qualification when most wanted these include nonprofit placements, individuals. It is the only method for classification and has its own weaknesses.A SWOT which produces no strategies is of no use whereas which generates important strategies is useful. Unilever had a very tough competition during that time when it was bringing close the changes it was in all likelihood at this stage that these companies had locomote forward with there discordant strategies. Skills, assets, finance, facilities are the resources which are used in any business to compete in the industry. In the alike(p) way Unilever used their own resources to grow as giant company. They have utilize SWOT analysis and implemented new business strategies and rejuvenated their company from want lust to significant progress in gross gross gross revenue.It has rivetd on marketing and advertize its business and gained attachd pricing with supermarket vendors. Unilever was lagging in gross revenue when compared with nestle, Procter Gamble, Kelloggs etc its path of growth scheme which met considerable uncertainty which made Unilever to secure a series of actions by jumpting the companies write to reach merged goals and introduced 20 new acquisitions worldwide and restructured the company into two divisions on e includes all food products and other household and personal care.Then started other two new businesses across the world. The external market factors such as technological changes, social factors, and other companies growth made a very big jounce on the consumer preferences and Unilever had to break off its revenue growth. Later it continued to obtain more products across the world and these products gave managers to make their own decision devising to set priorities by introducing new initiatives. Unilever has even motivated and attracted young talented managers from outside the company to join their company.According to Unilevers SWOT analysis the strengths of the company are cognised as it is a spherical company with strong brand profile with worlds best brands and maintains strong relation with its retailers. But coming to its weaknesses it has insufficient management of brands and doesnt not connect with customers. And inability to maximize acquisitions has minify spendi ng for R D. Thought it has got many opportunities by introducing many products by changing customer preferences and increase in production of quality goods.There are threats equally which suffice decrease in revenues with high market competition, increase the number brands and rallying rates. There are many growth expectations, risks, profit margins in food and house hold industry which is composed of many sectors and sub sectors by challenging the change of customers preferences with challenging rival firms to gain market shares. Then with competitive achievement by creating entrancing products through acquisitions and with energy of ontogeny gross gross gross revenue of the brands which existed and improve margins.For all this the many secern to success was advertising the products. By improving the profits of the company not only include shifting sales of the products but also boosting efficiency and unit costs. There were three factors which worried in 2000, the conso lidation pressures in food industry which bothered were subdueder growth rates in food industries, rapid consolidation among grocery markets that is between branded manufactures and head-to-head manufactures for good self space in the grocery stores.In the joined States for several stratums the food industry was miserable and was expected to continue for few more twelvemonths due to more women working and decreasing house hold sizes, hit parents and singles. But the food industry in Europe, Asia, Africa and other less highly-developed countries were attractive. Thought the competition between branded and nonpublic manufactures was a neer ending issue, private manufactures change their quality of products by ripening market shares.Then there came many giant super markets and gave an opportunity for private brands with attractive prices below branded products and even provided checkout scanners to help the customers know price difference which tempt them to BRIEF SWOT ANALYSI S OF UNILEVERS CASE STUDY STRENGHTS WEAKNESSESS Global company. Reduced spending for R D. Best Brands. Inability to maximize acquisitions. Strong relation with retailers. Insufficient management of brands. Dual Leadership. OPPURTUNITIES THREATS Increasing in need of quality products. Decrease in revenues. Changing customer preferences.Strong competition. append in brands. shift to the private brands. Due to the heavy competition among them manufactures had to cut down the costs of the products, number of versions of the products and weed out weak brands and concentrate on those brands which were normal among the customers and those could develop into global brands. Introducing dual headquarters by dividing the food industry which consisted of 6 categories and household industry which consisted of 8 categories there were many benefits such as improving food and household industry by focusing more on them regionally and globally.Accelerating decision making and boffo integration of R D though there were some critics that Unilever has been paying more for some of its acquisitions such as acquire Amora Maille. Unilever as of then in 2003 had been seen as a exploitation transcription which credibly had all the necessary requirements to make it a force to recon with, during the manner to Growth dodging many aspects of the company had come out some of them include the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.Strengths, probably the biggest strength that the company had at that time was the correct selection of the brands and the products it had in store unilever had through with(p) many researches and had to make many decisions to get the right combinations products that where to be sold it also had the right ideas to increase the sales and all the leading brands to help its cause.Unilever was very good at that time even if the financial aspect was taken into consideration it could experiment with discordant aspects of its store cause had the fina ncial backup which was required at that time to help it implement sundry(a) ideas and deal with the market pressures, for any company to improve its sales marketing incessantly plays a very important role this was probably there biggest strength as the marketing strategy applied by them managed to grab peoples attention as they flabby to be connected to and much more simplistic and realistic.Unilever did manage all its clients very well considering that during a phase when they where cutting on the brands it would have been a risk to out anything at that time but it was very well managed by the company. Mainly the fact that unilever was now flavor to make the higher range or the brands which where more noteworthy as there union brands which made it much easier for them to advertise considering that it is much easier to promote a very well known and a trusted brand rather than a normal or new brand to increase the sales.Weaknesses, though unilever had a very good policy and all the right objectives to make a difference in the industry it couldnt happen basically due to the lack of proper organization, it was actually much like a bureaucratic organization where things where divided between too many people and it had become effortful to get the ideas moving due to the lack of proper organization, it probably all started with the fact that the company had to deal with too many brands in the first place it would obviously have the impact when the Path to Growth strategy came up cause of the then 1600 brands only 400 brands where retained and rest all where either call ind or replaced, that shows that due the lack of proper organization and too many brands being part of it didnt help it in making the changes it wanted to in a get around and quickest way.The organization was probably one field in which the company was lacking because it was mat up that at the top of the company as there were too many people making decisions and these decisions had to be pu t forward and this delayed the process of improvement for the company. Opportunities, during this phase of development and renewing it content and upgrading of the stock it rancid out to be very fruitful as it provided many working opportunities for people it was at that time that many people where offset to get full time work, during this phase a lot of acquisition also took place with the major brands which expirationed in some alterations in plans to that which were planned. SlimFast which is a private company is another acquisition of Unilever after implementing path to growth strategy in 2000 the company bargained an agreement to purchase slimfast diet foods.It had strong sales and network and has a special space in every super market and drugstores these products were made from natural ingredients and added vitamins and minerals to provide good nutritional profile. It also maintained a very good relationship with Food and medicine Administration (FDA) and other agencies. U nilever has concentrated more on this Slimfast since the company was growing fast and attracted the customers to buy more of it for healthier and long living life . Management of Unilever utilized the opportunity to globalize the product in other countries like Europe, Australia due to increase in the percent of obese. According to the world health organization percent of the obese was change magnitude gradually. UNILEVERS TOP COMPETITORS ? Figure Competitors Performance Comparison http//finance. aol. om/company/unilever-plc-amer/ul/nys/top-competitors Ben Jerrys acquisitions which produces one of the finest ice creams anywhere in dry pint cartons and wholesale at groceries. Their sales slogan was Vermont finest All native Ice cream. They never use any artificial flavors thought the cost is little more it is worth the price. According to the time magazine Vermont makes the best ice cream in the world with 29 flavors in pint cartons and 45 flavors in bulk cartons. There products were distributed throughout the world. On invite Ben & jerry operated three manufacturing plants where Vermont plant produces super premier ice cream and frozen yogurts where as spring field produces ice cream, lot dilate ice creams in bulk, pint cartons and half(prenominal) gallons.Dreyers and Haagen-Dazs were the two major competitors of Ben jerry and other competitors were Colombo frozen yogurts, Kemps ice cream and star bucks. Ben Jerry produces a wide range of ice creams products like sticks, bars, frozen yogurt pops etc. Though Haagen- Dazs was the global market leader followed by Ben jerry it had an insignificant market share in get together States where as Haagen- Dazs was more significantly sold in foreign markets. Both Ben jerry and Haagen-Dazs produced ice creams with cookies and candies in it. Bestfoods was a global company across the world almost in 60 countries which was busy in manufacturing and marketing the food products. Bestfoods profits are almost from outside of the United States that is almost 60 percent of its profits.It is one of the best managed food companies among United States who has much number of employees working with in their company in which half of them were at non US locations. The company increased payments for 14 successive years has its revenues grow by7. 8 percent annual rate and suddenly slow downed during the period of 1997 and 1999. Then the company introduced a strategy with four effect elements. Globalization of the companys aggregate consumers Products which are new in the market are need to be globalized that is the products which are less hot among the consumers, are needed to be advertised and market those products to increase its sales and profits of those products. few such products are knorr product line, salad dressing and food service operations.The advertising of such kind of products was done very well in separate to get those products globally recognized and be accepted among many big bra nds and soon they became household names. Improvement in cost forcefulness With changing customer preference the quality of the products must be improved and and then there should also be improvement in cost effectuality as the quality improves cost increases. Cost effectiveness is nobody but it is a way by which you show to a customer that a certain is product is worth using or is better than other product or the money u spend on it is worth it. Cost effectiveness in simple would be defined as showing the worth of the product. Looking for new market opportunitiesExtending the product sales all over the world via new product introductions and extending sales of the products which are existed in the market. It is very important for any company to be always alert and look for opportunities to extend the business to a large racing shell and see it in a bigger picture based on the opportunities it gets. Using free cash to make new acquisition With expanding the products and brands c ompany has created 60 acquisitions in the global market. afterwards struggling a lot in June 2000 best foods agreed to be acquired by Unilever. Best foods were the largest acquisition undertaken by Unilever by as far as concerned and which makes a largest combination of food companies in 12 years.Management of Unilever believed that combining and assimilating bestfoods would result in pre tax cost saving, better efficiencies in business process, synergism in diffusion marketing, reformation of general and administrative functions and improved economies of scale. By creating robust business in United States market, change magnitude strengths of Unilever and best foods in Europe, mental synthesis of best foods in Latin America to speed up the growth of Unilever brands, by distributing strengths in Asia- pacific to grow and sped up Bestfoods brands and increasing the sales of Unilever products by food service channel of Bestfoods. The work gardening was so casual to make the atmo sphere fun and lively with communion between the management and employees.The company respected the employees suggestions and respected them even compensable the employees a discernmentable salary Finally Unilever has proclaimed sale of Bestfoods business Company to Canadian food and super market group known as George Weston for $ 1. 76billion though Unilever declared to divest Bestfoods Baking Company and Unilever other products and bakery products does not exit any more at Unilever. Bestfoods has 19plans across the United States with a strong management team and was entirely US based. It was one of the best distributing for delivering the baked products which are really baked fresh and sent directly to the retail stores. With its dedication and hard work Bestfoods sales has increased its profit margins by 8 percent. Later again Unilever announced to snitch 19 Bestfood brands across North America to ACH food companies which is a supplementary of Associated British Food.By suc cessfully combining the operations of bestfoods with Unilever by the year end of 2003 the two companies had been merged in 63countries across the world line of work 2 Path to Growth Path to growth strategy was initiated in 2000 and was restructured for several years for better and significant results. The chance upon elements of this Unilevers path to growth strategy were cutting down its brands from 1600 brands to 400core brands to achieve top line sales and increase profits by advertising the brands which are more popular and leading brands across the world and concentrating on R D. Another important key element was divesting underperforming brands and theirs companies and introducing more innovated things to enhance the internal development of the organization and making new acquisitions.Unilevers years of slow performance and its lack of corporate strategy in the competition industry with low number of brands and fair performance in growing markets with a little global fron t man made to create a path to growth strategy which was a 5 year growth plan which made them to concentrate on more brands and product innovations for internal and external growth of the company. And made the company to grow with acquisitions. According to FitzGerald and Bergmans path to growth strategy they predicted to manufacture prongy material body wages per share growth and superior positions. Focusing on the key brands by advertising and marketing made business grow higher and build brand value and increased brands prices.The case study shows Unilever as a global company according to SOWT analysis after introducing the path to growth strategy the company had really increased its sales and with introducing more number of acquisitions and cutting down the cost of revenues. As the acquisitions like Slimfast, Ben jerry and best foods were rapidly growing their market across the world mental synthesis a very strong profile and providing customers attractive products and offer s. Slim fast has 20%anual growth rate with strong sales and distribution all over the world and also maintained good customer relation. Where Ben jerry was worlds giant ice cream products and yogurt maker with strong brand equity. Bestfoods was USs 10 largest food products company with a strong global position.The two key elements of the Unilevers new business strategy was to cut down on the number of brands that were being sold or being marketed by the company, at that time Unilever was operating with as many as 1600 brands and much more products due to this the cut down on the number of products and brands was considered, the 1600 brands that where part of the company were cut down to as many as 400 core brands, the core brands mostly included all the famous and popular brands which are for the most part very popular among people, this idea came up as to make sure that the products where sold and by doing this it would not be much of a fuss for the marketi8ng of these products as most of these brands where already day to day and very famous brands which people would generally prefer buying, which would mean that it would take much less an effort to connect to the people and more over the marketing was also done in such a way that people where able to connect to it very easily, the other key element of the unilevers strategy was to remove all the underperforming companies or brands and introduce some other new brands or companies in rove to enhance the internal development of the organization and make new acquisitions which would enhance the sales of the company and make it more openhearted for the people this strategy was designed to increase the sales of the company and get rid of the companies which where not much in pray . Weaknesses according to SWOT analysis showed the company has dual leadership, insufficient management of brands and reduced R D after all this slow performance and small global presence the management has introduced path to growt h strategy, which increased the company sales with cutting down it costs and introducing more acquisitions resulted in globalizing the company. As a result there were few expectations to achieve a double digit growth and securing a better position in global market for food and household products by increasing the quality of the product to gain pricing power and attract more customers.But according to the strategy plan the targets which were set was really high that is top line sales growth of 5-6 percent annually, increasing profits, and plan to complete by the end of 2004. If we look and analyze the path to growth strategy we can tell whether the strategy is working or not, we can say that it is working by its success rates and increase in profits and increase in brands and acquisitions that is the consumer preferences have changed due to which the products quality has changed and prices have changed the leading brands sales have increased from 75 percent to 93 percent. Food and pe rsonal care industry have increased its profits consistently.Operating assets have also improved by 9 percent. Acquisitions like slim fast, Ben jerry and best foods have gradually improved its growth and established its acquisitions all over the world. But the other side it is completely not yes, Unilever was gaining profits significantly after introducing new strategies but it was losing too yes it reported a net passage of $318M as the competitions was increasing and new brands were coming in to the market and rivals were introducing new strategies to compete Unilever. In the year 2004 sales grew only by . 4 percent leading brands by . 9 percent so this proves that Unilever was lagging behind competitors in terms of innovation and advertising.Unilevers lack of advertising and marketing failed to improve sales. The company was small and not globalized. In this case Unilever attracted the new young talented manages to join their company with innovated ideas to increase its company profits by new methods of advertising and marketing. To justify Unilever strategies it maintained dual headquarters and dual chairpersons which reduced effective thinking and slow downed the decision making. Unilever is divided into Unilever Plc and Unilever NV. This made Unilever to focus on the needs of the customers and increase its sales profits in various industries like food, personal case, and household industries all over the world.As customers demand the products which are of the best quality and branded but at the same time convenient, cheap and attractive. The market for household products have been decreased its profits as the numbers of single parents have been increased and the rate of females working out have been increased and the demand for the healthy and high quality food has been increased. The consumers preference of the products such as its look, quality of the product and nutritional values has been increased by providing a strong competition against its gian t competitors and private manufactures. This allows Unilever to focus on the need of its customers by increasing its sales.In 2003 Unilever executing its path to growth strategy by increasing its operating margins to over 15percent, but the sales of the leading brands growth as slowdown and raised questions among the investors and retailers that whether company brands could deliver some 5-6 percent of growth in revenues in the next coming years. TASK 3 Unilevers current business Strategies Ever since the Path to Growth strategy ended in 2005 there has been a 15% increase in the sales and development in the overall progress of Unilever. After the Path to Growth came to an end a new process was developed by Unilever called as the Brand Imprint which helped the marketing teams in understanding how the business could face risks as well as opportunities from the social, economic and environmental issues.In this process each brand was scrutinized by a team expression into various aspects of it such as the direct as well the indirect impacts of the product, it also checked how the brand would go ahead in the future looking at the products possibilities of growth both from a customer and a stakeholders point of view. The outcome of the Brand Imprint is that the process has helped in making important decisions for the company keeping the future in perspective it also developed in addressing social missions, social and environmental issues. The Brand Imprint provided a perfect experience to find some systematic and measurable ways to explore different brands and improve the brands by addressing social issues, helping people the product well and reducing the environmental issues. When the S. W. O. T analysis was done on the Path toGrowth strategy many different aspects of the strategy where scrutinized using the SWOT analysis in which it dealt with many aspects such as the strength, weakness, opportunities and the threats that are being faced. After the analysis it came out that it had been very useful to acquire the various aspects attached to it. Unilever for years had been a slow developing company, though the company had the right infrastructure and the capital but it couldnt utilize it mightily that was basically the reason why the path to growth and various other strategies where starting to come up to help the company to increase the sales of the products and improve the business. Path to growth played a major part in the development of the company.The Path to Growth strategy did prove to be quite a useful thing considering the fact that during this period almost all of the unsuccessful brands where removed or replaced and the brands which where trusted and kept managed to increase the sales by 75% to 93%. Unilevers growth was considerably slow during this phase because the company was at that stage making very forceful changes and for these changes to come up and make a difference was something unexpected but the companys growth was obv ious in certain fields thanks to the new strategies that had come in to improve the sales of the company so as to improve the business of the company. It was due to the fact that the company probably took way too much time u started and implement its plans that it caused the success to be not as higher as expected.Many business analysts and commentators felt that most of the strategies of the path to growth where working fine but there was always a speculation that what ever progress was talking place was hap too slow considering the competition the market was in with at that time, it was also felt that as the basic functionality of the business was spread among way too many people made the management way to complex and it would have been better off if it was simpler. It did work out fine when it came to the advertising of the product and acquiring it known to the people as it was more public point and it used the sources to the full extent to connect to the people.It did experien ce a drastic growth during that period as the analysis had proved that the company had the highest growth percentage as compared to any other company during that period it did bring in high profits to the company but looking at the whole picture it did prove to be a huge loss for the company considering the fact that they faced a countable loss in the revenue margin and that proved to be the difference, though it did have the right amount of sales and customers due to the slowness of there analysis to appearance out and remove or replace the stuff did make a difference to analysis in the larger picture. But the company did grow during that time which might as well have effected the revenue cause many new store where started and large number of employees where starting to be employed on a full time basis. It did do quite well on the international market as well.By looking at the way the company had grown during this stage is quite extraordinary many business analysts and commentato rs had felt that they probably had the right scheme of action because during that time they where handling 1600 brands and which was way too much and among those were quit few brands which hardly made any diff to the company so then the whole idea of brands cut based on the market outlook and sales reports was looked into to classify as to which of the products or brands where fast exchange and which had the scope to sell more. It was that idea to cut down on the number of brands and start promoting only few brands which where much easier to be marketed and which where more likable by the people by which it would increase the sales and also make the marketing of these products easier cause when you are promoting bigger brands which are often very well known to public would mean that u don have to spend much on the marketing. Did the company experience growth during this period?Yes, would be the right thing to say voiding the minor things which might effect the outcome but it did se e the light of success though slowly and there process and ideas where starting to get implemented in a better way and in a more successful way to deal with the growth of the company, the process of cutting down on the under selling companies was probably the decision that started to turn the tide for the company as it was when the losings where starting to be covered and it was more like a store where the fast selling stuff was found. Unilevers Path to Growth had probably the right ideas to take the company to the highest position with its aims and objectives on the right part but probably it was at the implementation of the whole strategy that could have probably caused the difference in this strategy from just a successful strategy to a very successful state The strategy had the right plans to study the whole products and the brands which where being sold and come up with whole list of brands that where actually more likely to be sold uickly and a great deal and those which wher e not that much preferred, it does take in a lot of effort to recognize what is selling and what people like the most as you have to be cautious that u don get any of the products that is more frequently sold off the shelf. By early 2005 there was a need for a new business strategy and a new strategy which was more active and a top down approach to managing a companys brand profile was introduced for Unilever to support this growth strategy. But the growth to strategy at the starting point was precise, tough compared to the companys profile. On the whole Unilever did manage to grow very well in the market during this period and it was for its strategies and policies and the work put into it that the whole thing was done successfully. TASK 4academic theories The word diversification federal agency a strategy for a company for its market growth. To look forward to increase its profits by increasing the sales of the products. There are four main strategic options show how each stra tegy might change companies competitive capabilities they are commercialise sharpness, product development, market development and diversification. ? http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Diversification_(marketing_strategy) Basically the four main strategic alternate(a)s deal with the markets and the products which are based on the present position of demand and supply of the market and the position of the products. grocery store sharpness, it is nothing but the way by which a products sales can be determined, consider there is a particular product which is generally used by everyone and is almost the same for everyone then in that case the brainstorm of that particular product will be deeper as its demand is much higher than other products, it can simply be told that the deeper the penetration the greater the product sales, by using the market penetration technique we can determine as to which product is currently more sort after and which one has the highest demand by doing this it will effect the business cause the demand for that product will be much higher. By using the market penetration we can come up with new marketing techniques as to increase sales of a product which is not much in demand or gain more profit on products which are in higher demand, for example lets consider a product which has not been off the shelf due to competition from other products in this case if we do the market penetration we would know the reasons as to why the product has not been sold. ground on this if the reason for that is if the product is expensive then we can look into the market penetration and decide to cut down the price so as to match that of its competitors.There are many growth expectations, risks, profit margins in food and house hold industry which is composed of many sectors and sub sectors by challenging the change of customers preferences with challenging rival firms to gain market shares. Then with competitive achievement by creating attractive products th rough acquisitions and with capability of growing sales of the brands which existed and improve margins. For all this the many key to success was advertising the products. By improving the profits of the company not only included shifting sales of the products but also boosting efficiency and unit costs. Market position can also help you determine as to which products need to be stocked up the most and how these are to be managed and depending on the demand we can decide as to what can be done to increase the publicity or marketing of that particular product.Product development, it is nothing but the way at which any particular product has improved its sales or how a product has worked out is called as the product development, the product development is generally used to determine as to which product id leading at the moment so as to utilize more of it to increase the sales , in the product development if any particular product is higher in demand due to its development it can be he lpful in increasing the sales of that product but where as simultaneously if there is any product which is least popular we can make efforts using this to know as to what would be the reason behind the product not being to the sales expectations. Market development, the market development strategy is nothing but a way by which we can develop our business and increase the sale of the products, it is the process of getting new customers, new products and new business to the company by making new promotions so as to increase the sales of the products and to increase new customers, market development in simple terms can be called as the process by which we wish to develop the business by getting in new customers and getting some new products to our already vivacious customers is the market development.The market development strategy generally deals with the non-customers who dont often come in to shop, with this market development we manage to attract the people to now come into the st ore and improve our business. Diversification, it is nothing but the paste of the investments among the company in order to increase the business, diversification is a means of way by which the market penetration can be improved, in the diversification looking at the market conditions the company invests in various fields so as to make the product develop by which the product will get more penetration, if the product gets more penetration that means it will increase the business to the company.On the whole diversification is a corporate technology by using which they generally tend to salute the customers to make the decision and increase the market penetration. All the four strategies have there own importance in improving the business the market penetration is the basic thing which helps the company in building up a product which would become a money spinner for companies, the market penetration process helps in finding the right product that is in demand and the right ways by w hich a normal product can be increased is called market penetration. Similarly, product development is a way by which we can determine as to what is the actual position of a particular product in the market and so as to what needs to be done for the development of that product is called as the product development.Market development is similar to product development in which we check as to what needs to be done so as to improve the sales and customers in the company. While diversification is probably the main source that holds all of these together, by using the diversification a product can be made to increase its market penetration, diversification involves the spreading of investments among the various other aspects in business so as to improve and let other products grow so as to improve the market penetration. Diversification is something which holds all the four alternative strategies together and diversification is more like an influencing factor on these for the products to b e judged in the market and vice versa.Unilever in order to improve the sales has few strategies which are influenced by the strategic alternatives, in the unilevers method to increase the growth the number of brands that where being promoted or sold had to be cut down from 1600 to just 400 core brands which could be done with the help of the market penetration, by using the market penetration and looking at the market penetration of the various brands in the company it would help out in which brands had the highest penetration in the market and which had the least penetration in the market, so that the brands with the least penetration where removed from the company. Market penetration makes the whole task of choosing the brands which had to stay and the brands which where to be removed by having a look at the brands penetration.Similarly in the aspect of divesting the underperforming companies the strategic alternative comes into play where the product development is taken into con sideration, in this a if a particular product or brand is not having a high market penetration then it is said that it is looked after to see the product development of the product so as to check if the product would help in the internal development of the company. The overall picture was of business strengths and weaknesses too much wastage of money and many better opportunities to align resources behind building the brand profile for the future. However the food products were also globalized with slower growing market. Unilevers expectations were to achieve double digit growth and secure a better position in the global market by building a brand value with increase in sales by diversifying that is creating more number of acquisitions across the world and making the products which are local in a market globally according to the change of customer preference.And making the company with dual chairperson and dual headquarters this made Unilever a more successful in the competitive ind ustry while it is easy to manage the company and make decisions very quickly and effectively. Changing customer preferences that is according to the four business strategies product development need to be modified or a new product need to invented it is better to change and improve the quality of a product which is already existing rather than inventing a new product. As the number of women working out has increased gradually and single parents have increased and heir became a decrease in household products and rapid consolidation among retailers has made food industry miserable.Whether the theory is back up by practice Yes the theory of these strategic alternatives is very much accepted and supported by practice, all the four strategic alternatives that ate used for the companys capabilities are generally accepted and supported by practice, it is very well known that the four strategic alternatives are market penetration, product development, market development and diversification . These are the four strategic alternatives which are generally supported by practice because when implementing the actual strategies of unilever these alternative strategies do come into being used and help in the successful implementation of those ideas.The, market penetration, product development, market development and diversification are the generally used ways of judging a product and its current performance and in requirements in the market, these help in judging and making various promotions to these products. Probably among all the four strategic alternatives the market penetration is the one which is more frequently come across as it basically deals with finding the products which currently have the highest sales and vice versa it is very well known that for any product deeper the penetration higher the demand for the product so this strategy is almost applied regularly. References http//en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Unilever http//www. planware. org/strategicplan. htm http//fina nce. aol. com/company/unilever-plc-amer/ul/nys/top-competitors http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/SWOT_analysis http//extension. psu. edu/NWRegion/comm/marketfactors. htm Crafting and Executing schema By Jr. Thompson, Arthur A, A. J. Strickland, III, A. J. Strickland III, John E Gamble http//books. google. com/books? id=D35W13gPIpAC&pg=PP1&dq=Crafting+and+Executing+Strategy&ei=oddsSpuSK5iwMteE-IAC&client=firefox-a Read morehttp//www. ukdissertations. com/dissertations/business/unilever-project-plan. phpixzz2D1oixmZC Comfort Downy Price A positioning mapSWOT ANALYSIS In recent years, the competition among phthisis markets between Vietnam and foreign countries became so fierce, especially products originating from multi-national companies which are currently present and dominant Vietnam market. Unilever Vietnam is one of the giants on the market of products and services, it has provided a large number of essential goods for daily consumption of Vietnam such as toothpaste, P / S, shampoo Sunsilk, Omo washing powder, etc. every year. This is not only a threat to domestic producers but also an example for them to learn about(predicate) business marketing experience of a large multinational company with world-class like it. It can be said that Unilever has a thoughtful and creative marketing strategy which makes it well-known to attract the most customers for the companys products.The company takes the advantage of their inherent strengths as well as promoting the opportunities from the market to bring huge revenue every year for the company. SWOT analysis below will show all about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities as well as threats Unilever gets. 1. Strengths Unilever Vietnam has the support from global Unilever hence it has strong financial background. The visit of Mr. Paul Polman, CEO of Global Unilever, on tenth April 2009, again confirmed the potential of the Vietnamese market which is growing very fast, as well as the important role of Vietn am in the group of new markets and developing countries of the Unilever Group. An effective policy of attracting potentials The strategy of the company is that Development through people. Through their career days for students who are about to graduate of the prestigious universities, then the company will train them to become Administrators who set the light for the companys human resources. In addition, the company also sets up salary, benefits, and courses in Vietnam and abroad for provide to enhance their qualification. The situation of research and technological development of Unilever Vietnam has always been focused and invested adequately. In particular, R & D works very effectively in the exploitation of traditional products such as shampoo Gleditsia, salt toothpaste.Besides, R&D shows its effectiveness in the modern products such as Comfort or Omo advanced technology inherited from the global Unilever is applied quickly and is remarkably effective. Unilever makes c ustomers impress many times with much new technology. Recently, we see new Comfort, with a slogan just move to be pure fragrant with Andy and Lili. And how about Omo? The whirlwind-power Omo is the newest kind. The price is relatively acceptable, while the quality is as high as imported goods. The target customers of Unilever are ranged from children to adults, from low class to high class. Hence, the price is quite suitable for everyone. The staff with high level and knowledge focus only on the mission of the company, especially the company pays much attention to the relationship with the public. Unilever sets up itself a criterion which is all the employees are the best. Therefore, the staff has high ability to adapt with quick changes in the production line. 2. Weaknesses The key positions in the company are held by foreigners. The CEO of Unilever Vietnam is Ralph Kugler. This may lead to the differences in the perception between CEO and Vietnamese employees which is the causes of conflicts. There are some applications not being operated in Vietnam due to high cost, such as the input for perfumes.Moreover, the company does not fully take advantage of abundant labor resources and capacity in Vietnam. As a company that originated in Europe, strategies to promote Unilever products are not really suitable with Asian culture. 3. Opportunities The policy of Vietnam is also to build Vietnams economy as oriented industrialization, modernization, giving priority to attracting foreign investment, especially from transnational and multinational companies such as Unilever to increase the budget. Domestic market (wholesale, retail, goods circulation ) have evolved much. Also infrastructure in major cities, especially Ho Chi Minh City has been appropriate invested equally with other countries in the region. Vietnam is a country which is freely religious, so the distribution and advertising of products is not limited. In addition, Vietnam has a young population str ucture and extended family models (including grandpare
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